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Gilsdorf, Thomas



More about Thomas Gilsdorf

Recent publications: 

Thomas E. Gilsdorf; Kinship and Group Theory. In Teaching Mathematics through Cross- Curricular Projects, E. Donovan, L. Hoots, & L. Wiglesworth, Eds., MAA Press, (2024), 11-23.

Thomas E. Gilsdorf; Género, Etnomatemáticas y el arte textil de los Mazahuas y Hñähñu (Gender, ethnomathematics and textile art of the Mazahuas and Hñähñu).  Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, (16), 2023 (2024), 1-20,

 Thomas E. Gilsdorf; High Fiber Mathematics: Traditional textile production done by Atayal women. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ethnomathematics (ICEM-7), March, (2023), 111 - 116.

Shalini Verma, Thomas E. Gilsdorf; An Ethnomathematical Exploration of Warli Art and its Integration with Teaching Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 16, no. 2, (2022), 33 - 52.

Recent presentations: 

Invited presentation: An introduction to cultural mathematics. Mathematics Colloquium, Alma College, Alma, MI, March 14 (π - Day), 2023.

Peer reviewed presentation: High Fiber Mathematics: Traditional textile production done by Atayal women. 7th International Conference on Ethnomathematics: Embracing Di- verse Knowledge Systems for Social Justice and Peace, Hybrid format (Philippines, Nepal, Papua New Guinea), December, 2022.

Invited video statement: Homage to Ubiritán D’Ambrosio. 7th International Conference on Ethnomathematics: Embracing Diverse Knowledge Systems for Social Justice and Peace, Hybrid format (Philippines, Nepal, Papua New Guinea), December, 2022.

Peer reviewed joint presentation with Shalini Verma: Learning mathematics through traditional games. International Webinar on Toys and Games to Play, Make and Learn, India (Hybrid conference format), January 20, 2022.

Invited presentation: Mezclando la Matemática con la Cultura (Mixing Mathematics with Culture).  Annual meeting of the Mathematical Society of Chile, December 17, 2021 (Hybrid conference format).

Contributed paper session presentation: Mathematics within, mathematics without. Mathematical Association of America, Mathfest, Sacramento, CA, August 4, 2021, online for- mat.

Peer reviewed paper presentation: Perspectives of mathematics by traditional P’urhépecha artists. International Congress on Mathematical Education 14 (ICME-14), Shanghai, China, July 15, 2021 (Hybrid conference format).

Invited virtual presentation: Interculturalidad y etnomatemáticas (Intercultural aspects of ethnomathematics). Coloquio para Maestros Interculturales, (Colloquium for Inter- cultural Teachers), Intercultural University of Hidalgo, Mexico, December 15, 2020.

Invited virtual presentation: Matemáticas de numeración y del quipu de la cultura Inca (Mathematics of numeration and of the quipu of Inca culture). Seminario de Etnomatemática (Ethnomathematics Seminar) Universidad de Santiago, Chile, November 19, 2020.

Selected recent awards and honors, special presentations

  • Plenary Address: Mathematics of Culture and Cultural Mathematics; Presented (in Spanish) at the First International Meeting of Ethnomathematics of Latin America (ELEM1), Sololá, Guatemala, June, 2016.
  • Division of Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences Teaching Award, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Mexico City, Mexico, December, 2014.
  • Fulbright Scholarship; at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Mexico City, Mexico, August 2006 - June, 2007.​
  • Postdoctoral Scholarship: Solomon Lefschetz Postdoctoral Research Scholarship; at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), Mexico City, Mexico, August 1992 - August 1993
  • Ph.D., Mathematics, 1988, Washington State University
  • M.S., Mathematics: Computer Science, 1984, Mankato State University
  • B.A., Mathematics, 1981, University of Minnesota
  • Locally Convex Spaces
  • Cultural Mathematics (Ethnomathematics)

Courses Taught

  • Functional Analysis
  • Ethnomathematics