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Hartshorne, Timothy



Tim Hartshorne received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1979. From 1978-1989 he directed the specialist level school psychology program at Wichita State University. He has been at CMU since 1989. He had a brief sojourn as school psychology program director, seven years as department chair, and two years as assistant vice provost.

More about Timothy Hartshorne

Hartshorne, T. S., Hefner, M. A., & Blake, K. D. (Eds.) (2021). CHARGE syndrome (2nd Ed). San Diego: Plural.

Kennert, B, Hartshorne, T. S., Kanouse, S, & Johnston, M. C. (2020). Parent survey of sleep problems among children with CHARGE syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 101, Article 103614.

Imel, G., Hartshorne, T. S., Slavin, L. J., & Kanouse, S., (2020). Participation in and barriers to recreation participation in CHARGE syndrome. Palaestra, 34(1), 38-43.

Slavin, L. J., & Hartshorne, T. S. (2019 online) The development of an educational checklist for individuals with CHARGE syndrome. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities.

Stratton, K. K., & Hartshorne, T. S. (2019). Identifying pain in children with CHARGE syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 19, 157-166.

Hartshorne, T. S., & Schafer, A. (2018). Parenting children with severe disability. Journal of Individual Psychology, 74, 421-436.

Hartshorne, T. S., Stratton, K. K., Brown, D., Brown, S. M., & Schmittel, M. C. (2017). Behavior in CHARGE syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C, 175, 431-438.

Hartshorne T. S. (2017). An Adlerian looks at challenging behavior in severe disability. Journal of Individual Psychology, 73, 225-233.

Hartshorne, T. S., & Schmittel, M. C. (2016). Social-emotional development in children and youth who are deafblind. American Annals of the Deaf, 161, 444–453.

Hartshorne, N., Hudson, A., MacCuspie, J., Kennert, B., Nacarato, T., Hartshorne, T., &

Blake, K. (2016). Quality of life in adolescents and adults with CHARGE syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 9999A, 1–10.

My present research is focused on understanding challenging behavior in children with CHARGE syndrome, a relatively rare genetic syndrome with multiple affects. I am trying to find out to what extent the behavior is due to genes, early medical experiences, sensory loss, and parent-child interaction. My initial papers sought to identify the nature and extent of the behaviors, and to distinguish the behaviors from children with autism and those with deafblindness. Current projects look at issues of sleep, play, and anxiety. Also we are looking at patterns of ability in children with CHARGE, post-traumatic growth in parents, mindfulness interventions, and developing restorative environments. I am also interested in how parents and families cope with having a child with severe disabilities, along with issues of loss.