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Performance Review Information

​Welcome, and thank you for checking out these resources on the performance review system here at Central Michigan University. Check out the tutorial videos and the FAQ's section below for more information.

Performance review training

The three short videos below provide you with a quick overview of the performance review system, and best practices for using it for great conversations throughout the year. 

Everyone should watch the first two videos (24 minutes total) and if you are a supervisor you should watch all three. 

Purpose and Intent of the Performance Review System (10 minute video): Covers how the four needs of employees are built into the performance review process and the cycle for how it is to be used throughout the year. 

Your Review (14 minute video): Focuses on how to use each of the four sections of the review form to have great conversations with your supervisor throughout the year. 

The Supervisor Review Form (14 minute video): Covers the mechanics of how to use the supervisor review form and shares some best practices for having great conversations with your direct reports. 

In-Person trainings:

These two-hour trainings allow for greater depth and discussion on setting goals and expectations, and provide strategies for how to have the conversation, even difficult ones. They are conducted in September, January, and June. Watch CMU Today or the Employee Training & Development webpage (Cmich login required) for when these are offered. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the performance review process in general

Q: How is the performance review form to be used throughout the year?  

July-August: Start the process by setting and documenting expectations and goals for the coming year in the areas of "Goals, projects, initiatives" and "Style and Behavior."  The review may be started by either the employee or the supervisor. While the review can be started before the previous year's review has been completed, to avoid confusion it is generally best to complete last year's review and submit it to HR, and then start the new fiscal year's review shortly thereafter. 

August-December:  While not required, it may be used as often as desired to record any major points of discussion, progress, and any changes in the originally set goals and expectations. 

December-January:  It is strongly recommended that you use it as a mid-year check-in to document progress on the goals and expectations set at the beginning of the year, and to clarify specific objectives and targets for the end of the year.  You should have had a lot of conversations throughout the last 6 months, and you can use this form as an opportunity to formally record progress at the mid-year point. Anytime we put things in writing is an opportunity to clarify communication. 

January-June:  Again, it is not required, but it may be used as often as desired to record major points of conversation, changes, progress, etc.

June-August:  Complete the End-of-the-year review which should simply be a summary of the conversations that have been taking place throughout the year.  A face to face meeting is held to discuss the final review, any edits can be made, and then the review is submitted to Human Resources by the supervisor using the online system. 

Q: I am a faculty member who supervises staff positions (a chairperson). Do I use this system? 

Yes.  All supervisors of staff positions need to use this system to process staff reviews.

Q. Who do I call if I have a question? 

For questions, please call Professional Development Programs at 989.774.1073.

Questions regarding the on-line performance review system

Q: Where do I go to log in to the system?

Here are four ways to access the system. 

  1. You can use this direct link to the Performance Review System.
  2. You can find this link to the Performance Review System on the Favorites list using the star icon at the top of the page on CentralLink. While here, you can add Performance Reviews to your top five favorites to pin it to the bar so you can access it with one click in the future. 
  3. Go to the "My Account" link (upper right on CentralLink), and you will find the Performance Reviews link under My Work Day. 
  4. There is a direct link to it in a golden box on this page. You can either enter "Performance Review Information" in the search box on and it will be listed as the first link, or you can follow the thread: HR/Professional Development Programs/Performance Review Information. 

Q: Where can I find step by step instructions for how to use the online system?

Near the top of this page you will find three short video tutorials that will provide you with step by step instructions and best practices for having great conversations between supervisors and employees. 

Q:  My employee list does not appear to be correct.  What do I do?

This list is generated based on the organizational structure that is set up in SAP.  The system will show all employees who currently report to you and anyone who has reported to you within the fiscal year you are currently in.  If employees are showing up on your list that should not be or if there are people missing, this is generally due to an internal change of reporting relationships during the year. Please contact Professional Development Programs at x1073 to for help in resolving these issues. 

Q:  Why are employees showing twice on the My Employees list?

If an employee changes positions within the fiscal year but remains within your same department, they will show up on your list twice.  For every position an employee holds, a performance review should be completed.   In this way an employee receives feedback for each position he or she was in.  This needs to be done before the person leaves the position, treating it as you would an end of the year review.  Make sure the review is completed to your satisfaction before the person leaves the position, and then you will be able to submit it to HR when the person has officially left the position.

Q:  If an employee terminates, why are they still showing on the My Employees list?

A performance review still needs to be completed on an employee after they terminate, therefore the employee will remain on your list.  If an employee terminates prior to the end of the fiscal year, the supervisor should complete the performance review before the person leaves the position, and then submit it to HR once the termination is officially completed. The employee will still remain on your list, but the review will now show as completed. The name will be removed from your list when the next fiscal year list is populated. If the employee has already left the position and the review was not completed, you can call Professional Development Programs for help in getting these reviews moved to completed status so they will not show as incomplete at the end of the year. 

Q:  How can I edit what I have already typed into a review, either mine or someone else's?

As long as the review is in your possession, and you haven't sent it forward to anyone else, you may go back and edit any information which you have entered at any time.  You are never allowed to edit what someone else has entered for obvious reasons.  

IMPORTANT NOTE:  However, once the review has been sent forward to the supervisor or employee, all the information which you have entered is "locked" and date stamped.  Therefore, if at a later date something changes, or you notice an error in something that has been previously entered, you simply need to make note of the desired change in the next box.  The positive side of this is that you have a record of original goals even if they get changed during the year due to shifting priorities.  The down side is of course that if you make a serious mistake and then send it forward, there is a permanent record of it, even though you can correct it in a later explanation.  In the event of a massive error, the entire review can be deleted and reset back to a blank review.  However, we cannot delete just a particular section. Contact HR if you need this to happen. 

 Q:  Where can I access descriptions of the six Leadership Standards or of the five Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) attributes identified in Tab C?  

These descriptions can be found by clicking on these titles in Tab C.

Q:  How do I submit a review to HR?

 This option will appear at the end of the review on the UPDATE REVIEW STATUS page UNLESS:

  • The review was never sent to the employee.  The employee must have at least seen the review and entered basic information and sent it to the supervisor for it to be able to be submitted
  • The review has an incomplete required field.  
  • You are trying to submit it before July 1st.  The option to submit it to HR will only appear after this date.  This is to prevent accidental submission at mid-year or other period, which officially closes the review.  Simply wait until after July 1st, and then submit it.
  • The review is still in the employee's possession. In this event, have the employee finish adding whatever they would like to the review and send it back to the supervisor. 

Thanks again for visiting. If you have further questions about the review process or would like confidential coaching on its use for particular conversations, please feel free to contact Harley Blake, Manager of Professional Development Programs directly at x1073, or 

To access the online Performance Review functionality for staff positions go to