Director of Admissions Blog

Senior Director of Admissions Bob Garcia and his family.

Choosing a college, from one parent to another.


What have I learned in the past 20 years working in college admissions? A lot. And as a result, friends and family frequently ask for my advice. It always feels good to help a loved one see “behind the curtain,” but it is just as rewarding to help others understand those things.

I’ve learned that each college has nuances, creating a nearly impossible assignment of comparing institutions as you choose the right one for your child. So I asked myself, "Why not share what I can to help families make their best college decision? And why not offer them the same help I gave my daughter as she went through her college search?" 

That’s what you’ll find in these pages and posts. Advice from a professional, from one parent to another. It’s the same practical information I offer the people I know best and love most, and I hope it helps you make an informed college decision. If you need any help along the way, you can find me through the contact form below! 

Bob Garcia
Executive Director of Admissions and parent to a college sophomore and high school junior

What would you like to know? 

Here's where you can contribute to future blog posts. What questions can I answer for you? What information is confusing? What tips have you found helpful in your own family's college search? 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Bob Garcia
Executive Director of Admissions