Classroom Resources
We're here to help you incorporate career development into your courses. Please reach out to the liaison for your college with any questions.
Class presentations
We are available to join your face-to-face and virtual class sessions to share information on a variety of career-related topics. Complete the presentation request form to schedule a presentation. Our most popular presentation topics include:
- Overview of Career Development Center Resources
- Resume Writing
- Job Search Strategies
- Interview Techniques
Career development assignments
We've created several assignments that can be added to a variety of courses. We will continue to add assignments to the library. Additional resources are available on the Resources page. Please let us know if there is an assignment that you would like to add to the list and we will get to work on it!
Career Exploration Activity
Career Fair Assignment
Career Readiness Competencies Assignment
Career Research Assignment
Informational Interviewing Assignment
LinkedIn Assignment
Meet with a Career Advisor Assignment
Mock Interview Assignment
Online Job Board Analysis
Resume Assignment
Skills Assessment Exercise
Transferable Skills List