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Transfer Requirements for Grant Matching Funds

If matching is required, the matching funds will be transferred into the expendable restricted fund at the beginning of the project. If this is not done at the initial PI meeting, the grant accountant shall block the expendable restricted fund so that the funds may not be used until the match is transferred in. An exception can be made only if the project spans over more than one fiscal year and partial funding will be coming from subsequent years. However, if at any time the matching account goes into a deficit, the next years funding will have to be made early to cover the amount of the deficit. After the match is transferred in, all project expenditures will then be made out of the expendable restricted fund.

Grant expenditures will be charged to a 6XXXX cost center or a 6XXXX1 external WBS element if the grant is entered into GM. Matching expenditures for the grant will be charged to the corresponding cost center beginning with a 9XXXX or a 6XXXX2 internal WBS element if the grant is entered into GM.​