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Student Grants and Awards

The Office of Research and Graduate Studies offers funding for undergraduate and graduate scholars to conduct research and creative endeavors as well as showcase their work. The following forms must be submitted through DocuSign.

Contact Kara Owens at 989-774-1318 with questions or issues with submission. 

Student funding

Undergraduate funding

Student Performance, Exhibition, Competition, or Presentation (PECP) Grant

Student Endeavors Grant

Undergraduate Summer Program for Arts & Research (SPAR) Grant

Graduate funding

Graduate Assistant (GA) Conference Grant

Student Performance, Exhibition, Competition, or Presentation (PECP) Grant

Student Endeavors Grant

Graduate Publication Grant

Graduate Summer Program for Arts & Research Grant

Student Creative and Research Endeavors Exhibition (SCREE)

SCREE is a celebration to honor students and provide them with the opportunity to share their research, scholarly, and creative endeavors with a professional audience and the university community at large.

Student awards

Outstanding Graduate Project Award

The Outstanding Graduate Project Award was established to recognize scholarly activity by graduate students and the contribution made by their faculty supervisors.

President and Provost Undergraduate Student Awards

The President and Provost student awards recognize outstanding undergraduate research or creative work, such as research presented at national or international meetings or published in the peer-reviewed literature, juried art exhibitions, etc. Although the faculty mentors play a major role in undergraduate research and creative activities, these awards recognize contributions made by the students to a project.

Award recipients

    President's Award
    Alison Doolittle - College of Health Professions
    Lindsay Fleck - College of the Arts & Media
    Ishani Gaidhane - College of Science & Engineering
    Michyah Jones - College of Education & Human Services
    Angeline Petras-Gourlay - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

    Provost's Award
    Ava Brewer - College of the Arts & Media

    President's Award
    Madeline Devantier - College of the Arts & Media
    Skylar Duke - College of Education & Human Services
    Grant Folkert - Neuroscience
    Dakota Keblbeck - College of Science & Engineering
    Eric Urbaniak - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

    Provost's Award
    Johnathon Evers Smith - Neuroscience
    Abbie Pinter - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
    Daniel Swanson - College of Science & Engineering

    President's Award
    Molly Damitio - College of the Arts & Media
    Emily Lauzon - Neuroscience
    Shashwat Maharjan - College of Science & Engineering

    Kennedy Scott - College of Health Professions
    Anna Wetzel - College of Education & Human Services
    Meagan Williams - College of Business Administration
    Edwin Williamson - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

    Provost's Award
    Rosemary Guzman - College of the Arts & Media
    Joseph Monetta - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
    Chloe Pestrue - College of Science & Engineering

    President's Award
    Yasmeen Duncan - College of the Arts & Media
    Abigail Shepard - College of the Arts& Media and College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
    Katie Pulaski - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

    Provost's Award
    Kiara Cushway - College of Science & Engineering
    Paige Dombrowski - College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
    Julia Kalusniak - College of Health Professions & College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
    Nick Malendowski - College of Health Professions
    Elizabeth Scupholm and Lillian Tibbott - College of Business Administration
    Julia Willsie - College of Science & Engineering

    President's Award
    Andrea Miller - College of Education & Human Services
    Hanna Shoemaker - College of the Arts and Media
    Lindsey Sharrard - College of Business Administration

    Provost's Award
    Yvon Bergner - College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
    Lauren Blake - College of the Arts and Media
    Dana Gepford - College of Science & Engineering
    Sydney Harless - College of Business Administration
    Mallory Marshall, Samantha Mentus, Jacob Danek & Mary Catherine Mclaughlin - College of Health Professions
    Joshua Muench - College of Health Professions
    Anna Reynolds - College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
    Savannah Swaitlowski - College of Science and Engineering