Mt. Pleasant IRB
Background and Educational Materials on Human Research
Decision Chart Tools
Children in Research
Foust Hall 104 cmuirb@cmich.edu
This report was developed by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in 1979. It summarizes the basic principles and guidelines that should be considered when analyzing ethical issues that may arise when conducting research with human subjects. The three core principles found in this report are: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.
A desired outcome or state of affairs. An example of this would be a subject enrolls in a study about the impact of salsa dancing on obesity. During the course of the study, the subject learns that salsa dancing helps her lose weight and the researcher potentially benefits in advancing general knowledge about the use of salsa dancing to combat obesity.
A living individual who consents to participate in research. Most research studies have certain criteria that must be met in order to participate. These criteria are designed to ensure the safety of the subjects, as well as to ensure the usefulness of the research. Some studies have very broad criteria; for example, a person must be over 18. Others studies have much more strict criteria for participating; for example, you must have a certain disease.
Children, pregnant women, prisoners, and persons with cognitive impairments can participate in research studies, but they are considered "vulnerable populations." The US Government and Central Michigan University have put in place special procedures to protect persons in these groups.
A process used by researchers to obtain permission from persons to participate in research. Individuals who provide this consent must be legally competent and possess decision-making capacity.
A committee that reviews and oversees human subjects research. IRBs include members of various backgrounds and disciplines, both scientific and non-scientific. At least one member of the committee is unaffiliated with the institution. Central Michigan University's IRB is composed of faculty, staff, and community members.
An attempt to develop new knowledge or to expand upon existing knowledge. Some other words that describe research are clinical trial, protocol, survey, or experiment. Studies can involve a wide variety of procedures, ranging from filling out surveys and questionnaires to using experimental devices. Some studies last only a few minutes, while others last for several years.
An individual who attempts to develop new knowledge or expand upon existing knowledge. Researchers often rely on a research team to support them in their day-to-day studies.
The possibility that a research subject may be harmed during participation in a research study.
A person or an organization that provides support for a research project. Sponsorship may be in the form of money, clothing or equipment, for example.