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Website Release Notes

All notable changes to the website will be documented here.

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  • July
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7/18/24 - Release 5.4.0


  • Programmatic Aria Labels on mobile flyout navigation buttons.
  • Aria labels for carousel pager button screen reader accessibility.
  • Custom left navigation tailored for Policies.
  • Policy search assets.


  • Heading tags on mobile devices are now allowed to wrap in the middle of excessively long words (those that are wider than the screen) to prevent 2D scrolling.
  • Increased heights of clickable areas of footer links for better accessibility.


  • Minimum width was set too large on maroon link cards for smaller mobile devices, causing 2D scrolling.
  • On program pages in the At a Glance callout box, "Degree Type" needed to be allowed to wrap so it could stay within the callout and not cause 2D scrolling.


    6/17/2024 - Release 5.3.1


    • Fixed crashing widget on doctor profile pages when no primary location is selected.


    • Header links and Hero quicklinks tap/click area expanded to 44 px tall for better accessibility.
    • Footer social icons are now in a list structure for better accessibility for both and
    • Footer social icons are now slightly smaller in appearance, but actually grew slightly to 44 x 44 pixels for the tap/clickable area for both and
    • Footer social icons moved to their own row in the footer of
    • Shorted story hover card widget on mobile devices to reduce the amount of vertical scrolling.

    6/13/2024 - Release 5.2.3


    • Applied workaround for a bug in Chrome desktop browsers was preventing an SVG accent graphic in the college contact banner widget from being styled the usual way by setting the fill color in CSS, causing it to appear black.

    6/12/2024 - Release 5.2.2


    • Hyperlinks in widgets based on the card widget were not rendering.

    6/7/2024 - Release 5.2.1


    • Hero CTA links with empty labels were rendering as empty buttons when they just shouldn't appear at all.

    6/6/2024 - Release 5.2.0


    • AI-powered alt text generator for newly uploaded images.


    • Hero Quick Links in editor interface didn't have radio buttons selected by default for internal vs external page urls.
    • Hyperlinks in Accordions were sometimes blue instead of maroon.
    • First slide on Tabbed Callout widget didn't appear correctly on mobile.
    • Tabbed Callout Widget text box didn't appear correctly when missing a call to action button.
    • Bottom margin on some Hero widgets was missing on mobile devices.
    • Z pattern layout was removing bottom padding from buttons.


    5/16/2024 - Release 5.1.1


    • People and department importers are being modified to accept CSV files with field changes (the data source for the files has changed).
    • Animation duration of all widgets on the site have been shortened so they complete within 200 milliseconds.
    • Updated Favicon/Touch Icons to work with more current Apple and Android devices.
    • Reduced vertical padding in a few sidebar widgets to lessen the scrolling required on mobile devices.


    • Keyboard accessibility for the filters in the program finder.
    • 2D scrolling on smaller mobile devices on program finder.


    4/18/2024 - Release 5.0.1


    • Upgrade Sitefinity from version 14.4 to version 15.1

    4/10/2024 - Release 4.21.1


    • New functionality to optionally show the contact info of faculty/staff. The contact info is only visible once a user clicks a link to make it show. This is to help prevent bots from finding it when scanning the page.
    • New Ajax loading function for blog listing widgets, which makes it so users can page through the blogs without full page reloads.


    • To prevent layout shift on page load, hero image size is set ahead of time so the space the image is to take up does not start out collapsed.
    • Combined all widgets that make up blog, event, podcast, news, people, and doctor pages into a single widget per page to cut down on calls to the Sitefinity Database.


    • Program list widget wasn't filtering properly when clicking the "On-Campus" filter.
    • Prevented accidental side-to-side scrolling on News Home page and Site Search page.
    • Modified padding on Podcast, Maroon Link Card, and Z-pattern layouts for more consistency.


    3/21/2024 - Release 4.20.1


    • New 16:9 ratio Hero views (left and right).
    • Heading option for Gold proof points layout.


    • Podcast listing thumbnails changed to 16:9 ratio.

    3/7/2024 - Release 4.19.0


    • Enabled Pinch Zoom on Android phones.
    • Replaced Google Podcast links with Amazon Music and Audible links to podcasts.
    • Changed table header text color from White to Gold.
    • Changed the News page template to two column layout and made heading fonts a bit lighter.
    • Added a "Degree Type" field to the program module for display in program pages and compare programs function of program finder.
    • Modified Featured events widget so when all selected events have passed or been removed, it will default to showing the last 3 events happening university-wide instead of being empty.


    2/22/2024 - Release 4.18.0


    • Two column layout with built-in accent graphics.


    • Google search console verification file replaced with a new version.


    • Image Card Callout widget title changed to help with Accessibility.
    • Image Card Callout widget call-to-action button text no longer overflows on mobile devices.
    • Non-YouTube video embed codes were causing errors in the "Additional Video" field of program pages.
    • Removed calls to removed JS file "contactInfo.js" from the directory widget. The file was moved into a JavaScript bundle, causing a "file not found error."
    • Decorative arrows in the sidebar related program links of program pages no longer get pushed to another line on their own.
    • Added padding under sidebar related programs.
    • Fixed padding of z pattern layout on mobile devices.

    2/8/2024 - Release 4.17.0


    • Additional areas for image/video and description of programs on program pages.


    • Related programs to links in the sidebar on program pages instead of the Story Hover Card layout.
    • Proof points widget layout altered from two rows to one.
    • Made accordion headings more slim.
    • Google search JS now loads instantly if user interacts with the page in any way.


    • Padding in blue background content sections.
    • Indention/spacing in lists when mixing numbered and bulleted lists.
    • Padding within z-pattern layout reduced between sections.


    • Special feature carousel from program pages.


    1/22/2024 - Release 4.16.0


    • Formatting options to the accordion widget text editor. Previously it only could add hyperlinks, but now you can also do bold, underline, italic, bullet and numbered lists, etc.
    • "Location" and "Administrative Title" fields for "people" detail pages.


    • Alumni Awards descriptions to denote that the awards stopped being presented.
    • Optimized the loading of pages so that text is immediately visible.
      • This was done by asynchronously loading most scripts, styles and web fonts after the text appears on screen, and a 3 second delay was also implemented before the JavaScript code for the Google search bar loads (this was done so that the user doesn't have to wait for Google to check to see if it's allowed to show ads before the rest of the page could load). Note this delay doesn't happen on the search page.
    • Some widgets such as carousels load their supporting script/style files on demand so that pages that don't need this extra code (overhead) do not have to load it.
    • Font sizes were updated so that the headings are smaller, and there are now multiple size gradations for each heading size to more appropriately accommodate Desktop, Laptop, Larger/Smaller Tablets, and various phone sizes.
    • Heading fonts were softened from the blackest possible shade of black to more of a charcoal back.


    • Pages containing heroes with videos (which only load on desktops/laptops) would have the mobile image not load, showing a white space on phones and tablets.


    12/7/2023 - Release 4.15.1


    • Azure search pages had a JS error due to helper functions in params.js not being available in time due to async loading of main.js bundle. Moved params.js into the head.js bundle so it's loaded before it's functions can be called.

    12/7/2023 - Release 4.15.0


    • Optimized YouTube video loading.
    • Increased mobile page load speed.
    • Added colored content block layout.
    • Added floating sidebars to blogs, events, and podcasts.


    • Merged People and Faculty importer - People module is absorbing faculty profiles, so the faculty profiles information overrides people information from SAP.
    • Updated speedbump models to use URL redirect validation list instead of our Custom "Trusted Domains" from site settings.
    • Removed extra button views.
    • Removed extra news widget views.
    • Removed extra program widget views.
    • Updated styling for program list widget for less than three tabs.


    • Fixed Tab Callout Widget- Active tab now goes all the way to the bottom.

    12/5/2023 - Release 4.14.2


    • Unhandled exception in people importer.


    11/9/2023 - Release 4.13.1


    • TikTok Social Media button for "Social Media Buttons" widget.


    • Left navigation simplified to take up less space, and also be more visually appealing.
    • Site alert banner for things such as snow storm campus closures gets a visual makeover.
    • SAP data importers run off external triggers (Azure Web Jobs) instead of Sitefinity Scheduled Task.
    • SAP data importers now only update new/changed records instead of all records regardless of if changes were present or not.
    • Faculty Profile and Doctor importers calling a New API endpoint that provides all records in a single request.
    • Program search widget has been slimmed down to not take up as much vertical space.
    • Program list widget tabs with no programs are now hidden.
    • SAPA Escape button position changed to bottom of viewport so it doesn't float over the header on mobile devices.


    • Fixed JS error that occurs when editing pages.


    • Automatic addition of Captcha on newly created forms (to prepare to move to reCaptcha V3)


    10/24/2023 - Release 4.12.3


    • Sitefinity Patch version 14.4.8132 which fixes a vulnerability in the WebP image codec.

    10/12/2023 - Release 4.11.0


    • Table of contents layout, which assists in viewing large volumes of PDF files without having to download each and every one of them.


    • Made Call to Action buttons optional in program page sidebar callouts.
    • Flyout navigation (secondary white/gold nav bar drop-downs) now automatically close on page scroll.
    • Redesigned the cookie banner to be much more subtle.
    • People directory widget can now show a single person. Previously required two or more.


    • Inline alerts above the header were interfering with "sidebar" navigation on mobile.
    • Main nav and "Sidebar" nav on mobile interfered with one another.
    • Cookie banner covered up the "Escape" button on sensitive pages.
    • Hover states for some call to action buttons in landing pages didn't look right against background.


    9/14/2023 - Release 4.10.1


    • Classes for Event' schema.


    • Redirect importer saves new items as draft instead of published.


    • Pagination on Blog listing widget.
    • Layout of Story Hover Card widget


    • Unused list template views for Blog listing widget.


    8/31/2023 - Release 4.9.1


    • Z pattern grid layout.


    • Twitter X icon in place of the bird.
    • Story hover cards now lazy load images.


    • Form captcha not working correctly, causing some form submissions to be blocked.
    • Hover/active state accessibility (contrast) issue on gold buttons in marketing landing hero sections.

    8/22/2023 - Release 4.8.1


    • Updated Sitefinity from version 14.4.8100 to patch version 14.4.8128, which includes various stability, security, and bug fixes.


    • Form response in new interface doesn't show attachment link for uploaded files.

    8/15/2023 - Release 4.7.1


    • Adding new grid layouts for fall awareness campaign.
    • Added "Explore All Programs" button (link) to program search widget on home page.

    8/9/2023 - Release 4.6.4


    • Fixed Safari layout bugs related to two column lists on nav dropdown.

    8/8/2023 - Release 4.6.3


    • Fixed bugs for new mobile nav pane height on iPhones in relation to their visual viewport sizing.

    8/7/2023 - Release 4.6.2


    • Added a hyperlink to the search bar title on the detail page to return to the podcast home page.


    • Fix for social icons on podcast episodes.

    8/2/2023 - Release 4.6.1


    • Social media buttons on the top of the podcast episode pages for mobile.
    • Links for Apple, Google, and Spotify podcasts at top of the episode page for mobile.
    • Additional room for another social media icon in the site footer.


    7/31/2023 - Release 4.5.1


    • Icons for podcasts to cmich icons pack.
    • Program sidebar link override field.


    • Changed podcast detail sidebar links to use new podcast icons.
    • People pages' names change from All CAPS to sentence case.
    • Styling of Podcast link buttons from colorful to monotone.


    • Blog Posts images flickering while scrolling on mobile devices (due to screen resizing)

    7/20/2023 - Release 4.4.1 


    • Podcast listing widget.
    • Podcast Home Layout.
    • Podcast detail layout.
    • Start date override field for program pages.
    • Related blog posts to blog detail pages.
    • Publications, Credentials and Membership sections added to faculty profile detail view.


    • C# ToList() calls changed to AsEnumerable() anywhere that Linq queries were chained after them. (This is a best practice and should help with memory management)
    • Changed Scholarship quiz JavaScript to work with updated award values.


    • Images not displaying Alt Text on Program pages
    • Images not displaying Alt Text on related news listing widget on news detail pages.


    6/29/2023 - Release 4.2.2


    • Program pages can now have section titles overridden.
    • Emergency alerts in addition to standard notification alerts.


    • Section headings removed from sidebar to promote better accessibility.
    • Program concentrations filter bar is hidden when there are not two or more choices to choose from.


    • Inline alerts now have more robust spacing and take any text formatting into account, including the absence of formatting.

    6/15/2023 - Release 4.1.9


    • Blogs can now show Updated on/Last Updated date.


    • Add noindex class to flyout navigation container while it is still in development.
    • Pasting of images is allowed on the "Playbook" section of the site.
    • A-Z departments page's buttons are now dynamically generated based on content availability.


    • Related news images not rendering correctly (were blurry and pixelated).
    • Chatbot window was overlapping the cookie message in CMU Health site.
    • News and blog page images were flickering while scrolling on iPhone/iPad.

    6/5/2023 - Release 4.1.4


    • JavaScript and CSS Bundle for assets in the <head> section of web pages (Page load performance).
    • Lazy loading behavior to all images contained in layouts and widgets that were currently lacking lazy loading.
    • Components that serve as building blocks for the new main navigation. This functionality can be toggled in Sitefinity settings on Go-Live and have "noindex" class so they're not indexed by crawlers prior to Go-Live.
    • Script that prevents pasting of images into content areas in editors for content types such as news, blogs, events, etc.


    • The phrase "In This Section" is now maroon in mobile navigation.
    • Document selector has "default" ( ) library selected by default instead of CMU Health's document library.


    • Imported data would be updated in the CMS, but not reflect as published when viewed on a page.
    • Blocking of image pasting from Microsoft Word didn't always work due to JavaScript errors in Sitefinity.
    • Captcha wasn't always working properly in forms.
    • Image aspect ratios in Google search results on Safari browsers.
    • The hanging part of lower case letters was being cut off in Google Search box on the search page.
    • "Fullscreen" button was out of place in the Sidebar Callout's content editor interface.
    • People widget had a graphical anomaly where the notch was taken out of the corner in some browsers.
    • Unpublished people still showing on the site.


    • Sitefinity UCommerce module.


    5/11/2023 - Release 4.0.2


    • Redirect CSV importer.


    • Upgraded Sitefinity to version 14.4.8100
      • Fixed table editor bug from 14.1!
    • Staff/faculty profile widget obfuscates email/phone info until user clicks to see it (for security).
    • Embedded header icons as SVG code for Search Burger and Sign in buttons to improve page load experience.


    • Story hover card mobile layout in landscape orientation.
    • Partial width carousel mobile layout in landscape orientation.
    • Alumni Donor Stories widget images missing alt text.
    • Hero image editor interface unusable when video and rotating images selected at same time.
    • Accordion text editor character count/limit.


    • Thumbnail images for events in Azure search results.


    4/10/2023 - Release 3.24.1


    • Pre-connect to sources of page render blocking assets to speed page loads.


    • Reduced footprint of College Contact Banner widget on mobile devices.


    • Disable hiding of Vue.js assets while in page edit mode.
    • Fix typekit JS error in editing screens.
    • Image Alt text pulling wrong data on Latest News page.
    • Styling of program list widget.
    • Alt text color for images in header and footer (was maroon on maroon).
    • Cookie message had a Heading Tag (H2), when it shouldn't have.


    3/29/2023 - Release 3.23.3


    • Curly apostrophes were in the code for the Program List Widget, which don't render in some browsers.

    3/27/2023 - Release 3.23.1


    • "Content Group" grid layout.
    • Redirects importer.
    • Program List widget.


    • Updated to Moment.js version 2.29.4.
    • Changed Professional title field for doctor data to be an HTML field.


    • Program importer falsely reporting newly imported programs as published.
    • Typekit webfonts not showing in some backend screens. (Fonts used in the site were not loading in backend editing screens).
    • Twitter card metadata empty values replacing Open Graph data (Twitter uses OG data as a fallback, but Twitter card data overrides it, even if it's blank).
    • Youtube Embed widgets were breaking when embedding playlists.
    • Tab indexes missing from Accordions (accessibility keyboard navigation).
    • Focus borders missing on many elements (accessibility keyboard navigation).
    • Departments A-Z page "academic programs" filter.

    3/17/2023 - Release 3.22.4 


    • Placing Proof Points and Featured Events widgets on the same web page caused Featured Events to not show.

    3/9/2023 - Release 3.22.3


    • Redirect URLs importer.
    • Apple Touch Icons (favicons) to the root of project to cut down on failed web requests.
    • "Program" view to Program List widget (still in final development stages).


    • Dismissed alerts can now re-appear if their title is changed.
    • Blog URLs for "All Things Higher Ed" have date removed.
    • Disabled JavaScript for many widgets while editing pages in the Sitefinity backend (accordions, carousels, etc) to prevent errors while editing.


    • YouTube videos on News Pages didn't load correctly.
    • Program Concentration importer errors were preventing it from working.
    • All hero widgets now have dimensions on page load to prevent layout shift.
    • Hero alt text was not generating correctly.
    • Side-nav's "View All" and Header-Subnav (white and gold bar) links were missing "active" CSS states (affected accessibility).


    • References to JavaScript Source Map files for Bootstrap and Popper to cut down on failed requests.


    2/24/2023 - Release 3.21.2


    • Feature flags in site settings allow individual importers to be turned off without a deployment or restart.
    • "Meta tags" Field in site settings to apply different settings to each environment/tier.


    • Enabled in-house redirect module so we aren't dependent on redirects in IIS.
    • Randomized hero images logic shifted from server side to client side, allowing those pages to be cached again. This will greatly reduce CPU load on servers.


    • Importers automatically publishing new items instead of saving them as drafts.
    • Google Tag Manager code is now managed through tier-specific config files instead of Web Config transforms.

    2/9/2023 - Release 3.17.1


    • Added CMU branded styling for Google Programmable Search boxes and search results.
    • Made changes to enable default authentication to improve site performance and stability.


    • Missing breadcrumbs from page templates.

    2/2/2023 - Release 3.17


    • JS and CSS code for Google Programmable Search.


    1/27/2023 - Release 3.15.1


    • Disabled SAP data importers while we continue to test and refine them in lower environments.

    1/13/2023 - Release 3.15


    • News search page and supporting widgets.

    1/6/2023 - Release 3.12


    • Events sidebar listing widget for the development of improved search page.


    • Events Calendar test page's sidebar filter layout was flawed on mobile.


    12/8/2022 - Release 3.08


    • Added VWO code to page templates so our marketing partner can run A/B testing on pages within the site.
    • Added "robots noindex" meta tag to non-production environments.
    • Added the ability to create colored content blocks.
    • Added the ability to create a speedbump for the sidebar links in people profiles.


    • Redesigned the search and filter options for Program Finder.
    • Updated the font colors of filter drop downs in Program Finder.


    • Data importers were re-developed. The following importers have been turned back on in the production environment: People, Programs, Program Authorizations and Doctors. The Location, Department, Program Concentration and Faculty Profile importers will remain offline for this release as we continue to test.
    • Corrected curly apostrophes in the search box on iPads/iPhones, which caused unwanted results.
    • Random image selector for hero images was ignoring the first image within the collection.
    • Added the ability for line breaks to occur on hyphens such as those in the names of people in the people widget. Without this, the layout grid's columns could be stretched.
    • Corrected search so that people with hyphenated names appear in search results.
    • Corrected spacing and padding issues for links that were crowded after the addition of the sitemap link in the footer.
    • Alumni Association Board of Directors widget was showing exception error.


    11/10/2022 - Release 2.05


    • New CMU News template.
    • Interior navigation cards now have a two-column view available to be used in layouts with sidebar navigation.


    • Redesigned the accordions to have dark blue look when opened.
    • Changed Azure search query type from "Full" back to "Simple" to provide more relevant results.
    • On the external redirect notice page, we changed label of "Return to Site" button to instead say "Go Back".
    • Captchas are now required on forms before they can be published.


    • On the GPA calculator, we added a two-character limit to the number of courses to calculate, which prevents the page from freezing.
    • "View Profile" button was missing from Faculty/Doctor profile widgets' cards.
    • Program pages' concentration locations filters were not functioning correctly.
    • Added padding under the button widget.
    • Sitemap page links' clickable areas were the entire width of the page.
    • Some blog posts were not sorted by publish date.
    • Find a Doctor search on CMU Health was missing filters from dropdown menus and images.


    10/27/2022 - Release 2.04


    • Predict semester or major/minor GPA calculator tool, where students can add in multiple GPAs from multiple institutions to predict GPA at CMU.
    • Comment option* that can be added to pages. *This is intended for Playbook pages only.
    • Sitemap in page form, located in the footer across the site.


    • Fixed heading level and text colors for accessibility and updated the "Apply" button hyperlink target on the Scholarship Quiz widget.
    • Form responses exported to Excel sheets also included internal Sitefinity metadata fields, now removed.
    • Quick links callout widget was not opening hyperlinks in new tab/window when the box was checked.
    • Randomized hero images were showing mobile images on desktop/tablet.


    • Tablet hero image field was removed. Tablets now use Desktop images.
    • Featured news listing widget now uses SEO description field instead of a Summary field. Web-Config transforms were added for IIS redirect module to work correctly with CI/CD pipelines (these were manually edited for the last two releases).
    • Left navigation child pages of the selected page are now open on page load.

    10/10/2022 - Release 2.03


    • Added ability to bypass the existing URL redirect module. As a temporary measure, the redirects have been replaced with IIS rewrite rules and an IIS URL map file.


    9/29/2022 - Release 2.01


    • Breadcrumb navigation added to most pages. Excluded were top level and dynamic pages like news, events, and blogs.
    • Create "Doctors" version of People widget to be used for CMED faculty and staff directory pages.
    • Added "No academic departments were found for_____" message to A-Z index for instances when there's no academic department found for the selected letter.


    • Replaced paginated results with Ajax loading as the user scrolls the page.
    • Secondary (gold) nav "Programs" links in college pages now go to filtered Program Finder results for each specific college.
    • Hero images no longer required in layouts with hero drop zones. The drop zones simply collapse.
    • Replace hero video controls with an accessible play/pause button.


    • Broken images in Maroon Background Callout widget when no image selected (Accessibility issue).
    • YouTube videos unresponsiveness to screen size; they now adjust to screen size correctly.
    • Removed duplicate heading matching tab name inside each tab in Tabbed Content widget.
    • Made Story Hover Card widget titles have darkened background to improve readability.
    • Fired Up and Focused profiles now show hyperlinks entered in backend fields.

    9/16/2022 - Release 1.71.0


    • TikTok social icon in site footer.
    • Ability to select and display Related Events in the sidebar of Event detail pages.
    • New "Title" field on embedded YouTube videos, and activated default closed captioning (when captions are available) for improved accessibility.
    • Added components necessary to build a data driven Departments A-Z index page.


    • Hero text block, including the page title, was missing on tablets.
    • CSS for Department-directory widget was left out of project.

     9/2/2022 - Release 1.70.7


    • API for SF admins to unlock shared content blocks (due to bug in Sitefinity)
    • Added "Subtitle" and "Media Contact name/email" to news pages.


    • Modified the appearance of search input boxes to have 2px thick border, and search button no longer has white border.


    • Events Widget showing date twice for same day event
    • "CMU Health" in left navigation (of top level pages) does not go back to homepage.




    8/19/2022 - Release 1.70.6


    • Directory view in Faculty Profiles
    • Transfer Scholarship Quiz Widget


    • Updated Primo (Library) Search widget configuration to match a recent change
    • Locations missing from SAP source are no longer unpublished
    • Display Faculty Profiles (as People) in Site Search results
    • All redirects to ASPX (Old SharePoint) pages are now permanent redirects so they’ll be cached by browsers/search engines.
    • Update Views for Faculty profiles (cosmetic)
    • Display academic and professional title from Mountain Pass for people who have a "Faculty" profile


    • Same date showing twice in some events’ detail views
    • College contact banner rendering lower case i's to look like l's

    8/5/2022 - Release 1.7.5


    • Updated the code for Covid dashboard since it was changed in the CMS and not tracked here.
    • Changed importers to use instance methods instead of static methods to free up RAM on servers.
    • Refactored code to unpublish items.


    • Program finder filters altered to fit in container on UHD displays.
    • Fixed bug with 10 within 10 recipients.


    • Removed website vendor folder.
    • Removed forced sort type changes in search (exact match was being overridden by alphabetical).




    7/21/2022- Release 1.7.4


    • Enabled geolocation functionality in Sitefinity Analytics.
    • Added loading animation to main menu search.
    • Added loading animation to program finder.
    • Search results for news and blogs now include description.


    • Program Finder no longer reloads page on pagination by using Ajax. (Ajax keyword search coming soon).
    • Code cleanup: Moved CSS/JS code from "ST" folder to "lib" folder.
    • Updated copy for scholarship quiz.
    • Programs are now sorted by alphabetical order in Program Finder except when there is a an exact keyword match.


    • Various search result images now display properly (some types are taller while others are wider, so the search results now take this into consideration).
    • Made inline alert banner look right by giving padding on sides to match the rest of the page layouts (
    • Program Finder titles wrong size with some filters and pagination was also breaking when certain filters were present.
    • Image caption carousels' play button on mobile wasn't working properly.
    • Maroon/gold carousel accent graphic was appearing under text, affecting readability.

    7/7/2022- Release 1.7.3


    • Updated people detail page frontend code to read published flag.


    • Upgrade Sitefinity from v14.1.7823 to v14.1.7825 to fix the Sitemap generator.
    • Scholarship Quiz copy update.


    • Social Share widget title wrong heading level.
    • College hero backend was showing all 3 sizes (desktop/tablet/mobile) at once.
    • Multiple Alumni widgets using wrong heading levels.
    • Mobile Accordion not showing on person bio pages.
    • Mobile Accordions from "Fired Up and Focused" bio pages were missing on phones.
    • Refactored program authorization importer.
    • Fixed crash on searches with special characters
    • Fixed vue pager on Fired up and focused listing.
    • Fixed program page title area and text size on odd-shaped devices (since some program names were too long).
    • Fixed blog post listing's image sizes so they're consistent.
    • Search results descriptions weren't showing on mobile.


    • Kraken image processor removed.




    6/30/2022- Release 1.7.2


    • Added college filter to Program Finder and tweaked layout to make it fit.
    • Added thumbnail for events.


    • Updated max size for images/documents. (1MB limit for images and 5MB limit for documents.)
    • Added the word "optional" to label in merit scholarship widget, and modified widget layout.
    • "Courses" and "What will transfer" open in a new tab from the program page.
    • Mobile carousel of events widget set to infinite scrolling.
    • Added 30px of padding under tables.


    • Health search box button event handler.
    • Mobile hover state showing when using event widget pager buttons.
    • College contact banner layout on mobile.
    • Mobile main nav height.

    6/23/2022 - Release 1.7.1


    • Display Faculty profile info when available


    • Keep workflow status when updating programs
    • Keep published flag when updating existing entities in importers
    • Minified some CSS/JS files and commented out a call to an unnecessary one
    • Switched the rest of our base templates to SF OOTB bootstrap (to match cmich base)
    • Removed lazy load from hero images, and add lazy load to other widgets to speed up first contentful paint
    • Implement Silvertech's site search optimizations


    • CSS fix for grandchild nav items on mobile being open all the time
    • CSS fix for program concentration filter text showing up as blue
    • URL encode program search strings to prevent errors
    • CMU Health search button on search page was disregarding search box input in favor of last search string


    5/25/2022 - Release v1.7


    • Upgraded Sitefinity to version 14.1


    4/22/2022 - Release v1.66.00


    • Redirect for autodiscover.xml
    • Default image for featured news, set in site config


    • Better handling of program location removals
    • Better handling of special characters with Azure Search
    • Moved alumni search out of Gitlab and into Sitefinity/DevOps. Also refactored code.
    • Update SCSS build process to no longer require committing .min files and style.css
    • Changed event location display logic to show both online URL and physical locations.


    • CMich Top Level Template Bug (View more/less button)

    4/13/2022 - Release v1.65.03


    • Left Nav not showing on mobile devices
    • ToList() Optimizations in C# methods.

    4/08/2022 - Release v1.65.02


    • SEO and Social Media sections need to be added to Alumni content items


    • Re-implemented automated tasks so we can run them on demand in all tiers
    • Monsido reports finding 404 errors for list items (patch to catch trailing slash)
    • Video player too large on mobile devices
    • Gold Carousel Program Special Features missing next/prev buttons
    • Update name in staff directory
    • Made top searches in main nav editable by shared content block
    • SAPA links giving 404s (hotfix)
    • Pasting copy from one content block to a second content block triggers the "Pasting images warning"


    • Remove search capability on dropdown lists on program finder

    4/1/2022 - Release v1.65.01


    • Blog URL to trusted sites and speedbump


    • Fixed mobile left nav
    • Escape button on SAPA pages
    • Find a Doctor filter box empty
    • Monsido reports finding 404 errors for list items
    • External link disclaimer for some internal links
    • Spacing added below left nav
    • Use thumbnail for programs in site search
    • No result when trailing space in keyword
    • "Find a Doctor" Function Not Working as Intended
    • Hide unpublished locations from dropdown list in program finder
    • Search results show unexpected text display


    3/25/2022 - Release v1.65.00


    • Update SEO and Social Media Sections to FUF and Blogs
    • Add scoring profiles on program search


    • Updated News, events, blogs and people pages to gracefully fail when accessed without proper parameters
    • Fixed issue with menu items not showing correctly
    • Fix caching issue
    • Empty program copied to Sitefinity
    • Wrong title of pages on CMU Health
    • Related News widget not sorting by date
    • CMU Events widget on pages using college templates
    • Anchor tag issues on Library pages (JS error in Datatables plugin is root cause)
    • Missing Regulatory Program Data
    • Tables not wrapping on mobile
    • Update Speedbump whitelist to include  address
    • Update Speedbump whitelist to include  address
    • Update Speedbump whitelist to include  address
    • Added redirects for nonexistent pages


    • Replace JavaScript build process with native Microsoft (MSBuild) compatible process
    • Use Published flag on regulatory items
    • Update build process for maintainability


    • Remove Enabled flag on location programs
    • Remove Find a Doctor page

    3/11/2022 - Release v1.64.02


    • Fixed hyperlink animation under certain circumstances
    • Fixed issue with compare programs at different mobile widths
    • Fixed issue with sitemap on CMU Health
    • Fixed issue with H1 tags on Fired Up and Focused Pages
    • Fixed issue with program title not showing correctly on site search
    • Fixed minor UI bug impacting hyperlinks on certain pages
    • Fixed issue with news articles showing on both CMUHealth.ORG  and CMICH.EDU 
    • Fixed issue with Compare Programs Button Disappearing Mobile
    • Fixed issue with On the Global Campus Academic Calendar page when using Chrome
    • Fixed issue with Event info not rending correctly on mobile devices
    • Changing html tags to be SEO friendly (h1 to h3)
    • Show CMEP doctors in find a doctor
    • Updated Employee directory data


    • Updated all code to use UTC on the front end and back end to avoid future date and time issue related to time zones
    • Whitelisted  so it no longer shows the speedbump
    • Updated Cookie banner language
    • Update front end code to use a UTC compatible date/time format/conversion
    • Exclude Dynamic Pages from sitemap


    • Remove code and configuration keys for Find a Doctor (moved to health search), Burning Glass, Explore Careers modal
    • Removed www-new from code base
    • Decommission Static HTML Site's azure resources
    • Decommission FormApi web server's Azure resources
    • Remove Enabled flag and use Published flag instead

    3/4/2022 - Release v1.64.00


    • Fixed issue with People not having the correct department in the directory
    • Fixed issue with pool hours on UREC page


    • Removed Static Widget site as it is no longer needed
    • Removed unimplemented Forms API/Web Server now that Slate performs this function.


    • Removed speedbump for links on Explore the Collection page in the Clarke Historical Library
    • Re-architect data import API so that it is more maintainable and can be run on demand
    • Updated server defaults to 1 day cache from 365-day cache
    • Removed PDF version of Centralight and instead link to the website interactive version


    2/25/2022 - Release v1.63.27


    • Implement basic authentication header for users and roles API
    • Add multiple delete in users API
    • Use published flag on search for built-in content
    • Add page
    • Show search results on - AFTER DEPLOYMENT 2/25
    • Added missing apple icons


    • The filter by date on the search page doesn't work as expected
    • Multiple H1 tags on all program pages TDX 4127798
    • Left nav issues (Activate "View All" when expanding parent link)
    • Too many redirect exceptions in server logs and wrong search index for cmu health
    • Refactor code for concentrations on program pages
    • CMU News Images fixed to load properly on mobile


    • Removed search suggestions from search input boxes

    2/18/2022 - Release v1.63.23


    • Add denounce to 400 ms to type-ahead search
    • .ASPX redirect feature
    • Use AD for Sitefinity security and update security groups accordingly


    • Fix program finder credit hours
    • Added workaround for title not showing correctly in CMU Health search
    • Fixed issue where unpublishing concentrations were still showing
    • Fixed sort order of concentration location list
    • Fixed sort order of concentration
    • Remove emails from displaying on directory
    • Fix issue with notifications missing on SF dashboard
    • Update workflows to use AD group security
    • Update Speedbump whitelist to include * address
    • Added IOS icons to prevent 404s
    • Fix news images to fit properly on mobile device screens


    • Removed scripts that cache bust pdfs
    • Removed standalone widgets that were merged into search and other pages
    • Removed widgets that used Burning Glass since we no longer use the product
    • Removed find a doctor stand-alone search and replace it with CMU Health search

    2/14/2022 - Release v1.63.22


    • Programs are updated if credit hours have changed
    • Updated redirect code to avoid race conditions and release threads more reliably

    2/11/2022 - Release v1.63.21


    • Removed Book Appointment Button on CMU Health location pages if no URL set in backend


    • Fixed Alert Hyperlink Formatting (CSS - No ticket or DevOps card)
    • Doctor profile no longer showing HTML code
    • Proof points widget no longer requests random stats when override values are present (No ticket or DevOps card)
    • Heading level tags for program finder/search made ADA compliant (No ticket or DevOps card)
    • Program authorization importer now copies concentrations
    • Program authorization importer uses the override program name instead of title
    • Fixed issue where redirects were resolving as 200 OK instead of 404 Not Found.
    • Fixed Book Appointment Button on CMU Health location pages
    • Add padding around figure captions tooling within content block editor

    2/7/2022 - Release v1.63.17


    • CMU Health Search (Note there is a problem with the "Doctors" index, so search won't be implemented in Prod this week)
    • Automatic Cache Busting of CSS/JS files
    • Sidebar nav view that shows children but no siblings


    • Cookie message Privacy Policy link URL
    • Covid Charts weekly cases sort order
    • Removed Value attribute from main nav search so it doesn't pre populate.
    • Fixes for "Find a Doctor" search
    • Made Doctor search more generic and rolled into site search
    • Site Search for CMU Health

    2/1/2022 - Release v1.63.14


    • Added HTTPCLIENT singleton to global.asax file then use it in url redirect module to fix socket exhaustion issue


    1/28/2022 - Release v1.63.13


    • Added weighting functions to search index fields


    • Changed Radio buttons for Site Search content types to check-boxes for better UX
    • Changed Covid Dashboard weekly cases Y-axis from hard upper limit to be more dynamic
    • Changed 404 page to use Azure Site Search results.
    • Filter by Date for News and Blogs
    • Search by categories, tags, departments and concentrations (keyword)


    • Fix a bug with the event count
    • Wrap HttpClient for WebDirector and Feedback Form in using(){...}
    • Fixed news listing widgets showing title in place of summary.


    • Removed unnecessary properties from search index
    • Removed search flag from properties which didn't need to be searchable