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Sharma, Ajit



More about Ajit Sharma

  • 2017 SM Brockman, M Bodas, D Silverberg, A Sharma, N. Vij. Dendrimer-based selective autophagy-induction rescues ∆F508-CFTR and inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis PLoS One. 2017 September 
  • 2017 Srinageshwar B, Peruzzaro S, Andrews M, Johnson K, Hietpas A, Clark B, McGuire C, Petersen E, Kippe J, Stewart A, Lossia O, Al-Gharaibeh A, Antcliff A, Culver R, Swanson D, Dunbar GL, Sharma A, Rossignol J. PAMAM Dendrimers Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier When Administered through the Carotid Artery in C57BL/6J Mice. Int J Mol Sci., 2017 Mar 14; 18(3), 628. PMID: 28335421 PMCID: PMC5372641. 
  • 2016 K Walworth, M Bodas, RJ Campbell, D Swanson, A Sharma, N. Vij. Dendrimer-based selective proteostasis-inhibition strategy to control NSCLC growth and progression PLoS One. 2016 19;11(7):e0158507.doi:10.1371
  • 2014 Samik Upadhaya, DR Swanson, DA Tomalia, A. Sharma. Analysis of polyamidoamine dendrimers by isoelectric focusing. Anal Bioanal Chem 406, 455-458
  • 2011 Choon Young Lee, Ajit Sharma, Rebecca L. Uzarski, Jae Eun Cheong, Hao Xu, Rich A. Held, Samik K. Upadhaya, and Julie L. Nelson. Potent antioxidant dendrimers lacking pro-oxidant activity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 50, 918-925.
  • 2009 Lee Choon Young, Sharma Ajit, Cheong Jae Eun, Nelson Julie L. Synthesis and antioxidant properties of dendritic polyphenols. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 19, 6326-6330. 2009. 
  • C.Lee D.W. Woo, A. Sharma. Method for amine-amine attachment in nanodevices preparation. J. Mater Sci 44, 3179. 
  • 2007. Britton Carter, Ankur Desai, Ajit Sharma. Use of polyvinyl alcohol-coated capillaries for separation of amino terminated polyamidoamine dendrimers. Electrophoresis 28, 335. 
  • 2006. S. Tang, LJ Martinez, A. Sharma, M. Chai. Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble and photostable L-Dopa dendrimers. Organic Letters 8, 4421. 
  • 2006. Ankur Desai, Loretta Sharma, Choon Lee, Ajit Sharma. Lysozyme refolding with cyclodextrins: Structure activity relationship. Biochimie 88, 1435. 
  • 2006. Loretta Sharma, Ankur Desai, Ajit Sharma. A Thin Layer Chromatography Laboratory Experiment of Medical Importance. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 34, 44-48. 
  • 2006. Teng, Y, Kaminski GA, Zhang, Z, Sharma A, Mohanty DK. Preparation of polyamines. Part I. Polymers containing dinitro substituted aromatic groups. Polymer, 47, 4004-4 1. ​​
  • 2005. Sharma, A, Desai A and Ali R, Tomalia, D. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation and detection of polyamidoamine dendrimers possessing various cores and terminal groups. J Chromatography A, 1081, 238-244. 
  • 2005. Sharma A, Rao, M., Miller, R, Desai. Fluorometric assay for detection and quantitation of polyamidoamine dendrimers. Anal. Biochem. 2 4, 70-75. 
  • 2003. Sharma A, Mohanty DK, Desai A and Ali R. A simple polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis procedure for the separation of polyamidoamine dendrimers. Electrophoresis 24, 2733-2739. 
  • 2001. Sharma L and Sharma A. Influence of ring substituents on folding-related-aggregation of bovine carbonic anhydrase. Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 2456.​

Honors & Awards

  • CMU Excellence in Teaching Award, 1993, 
  • American Chemical Society Outstanding Achievement in College Chemistry Teaching, 1993
  • Ph.D., Wayne State University School of Medicine, 1983-1987 
  • M.S., University of Windsor, 1983 
  • B.S/M.S., Panjab University, 1977​
  • Characterization of Dendritic Nanomolecules with Bioanalytical Techniques 
  • Chemical Education: Dendrimers in Biology and Medicine
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

Courses Taught

  • General Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioanalytical Chemistry