Mcnaught, Andrew
More about Andrew Mcnaught
Publications & Presentations
- *Hoyer, K., Dijkstra, P., Galarowicz, T., *Harig, J, Jonas, J, Marsden, J.E., Smith, J, McNaught, A.S. 2025. Routine metabolism of larval and early juvenile lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and cisco (C. artedi) at three temperatures, J. Great Lakes Res. 51: xxx,
- Maitland, B., Bootsma, H., Bronte, C., Bunnell, D., Feiner, Z., Fenske, K., Fetzer, W., Foley, C., Gerig, B., Happel, A., Hoffman, J., Höök, T., Keppeler, F., Kornis, M., Lepak, R., McNaught, A.S.,
- Roth, B., Turschak, B., Jensen, O. 2024. Testing food web theory in large lakes: the role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan. Ecology.
- Armstrong, B., Zamorano, F., Carvan, M., McNaught, A., Basu, N., Head, J., Klingler, R., Ivan, L., and Murphy, C. 2020. Exploring the impacts of methylmercury induced behavioral alterations in larval yellow perch in Lake Michigan using an individualābased model. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 149.
- Tucker, T., DeBruyne, R., Roseman, E., *Larson, D., and McNaught, A. 2019. Assessment of larval fish communities and nursery habitat in the St. Clair River delta. J. Great Lakes Res. 45: 762-776.
- *Diller, S., McNaught, A., Swanson, B., Dannenhoffer, J., and Ogren, S. 2018. Genetic Structure and Morphometric Variation among Michigan Wild Rice Populations. Wetlands 38: 793-805.
- *Whitten, A., Marin-Jarrin, J., and McNaught, A. 2018. A mesocosm investigation of the effects of quagga mussels on Lake Michigan zooplankton assemblages. J. Great Lakes Res. 44: 105-113.
- *Sawyers, J.E., McNaught, A.S., and King, D.K. 2015. Recent and historic eutrophication of an island lake in northern Lake Michigan, USA. J. Paleolimnol. 55(2): 97-112.
- *McDonald, E.A., McNaught, A.S., and Roseman, E.F. 2013. Use of main channel and two backwater habitats by larval fishes in the Detroit River. J. Great Lakes Res. 40: 68-80.
- McNaught, A.S., R.L. Kiesling, and A. Ghadouani. 2004. Changes to zooplankton community structure following colonization of a small lake by Leptodora kindti. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 1239-49.
- McNaught, A.S., D.W. Schindler, B.M. Parker, A.J. Paul, R.S. Anderson, D.B. Donald, and M. Agbeti. 1999. The restoration of an alpine lake food web following fish stocking. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44: 127-136
*Student author
- *Devan, M., T.L. Galarowicz, J.E. Marsden, K.A. Hoyer, and A.S. McNaught. 2024. Importance of zooplankton abundance to growth and diet of larval Lake Whitefish in Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. Poster, IAGLR, Windsor, ON.
- *Hoyer, K.A., T.L. Galarowicz, J.L, Jonas, J.E. Marsden, J.B. Smith, and A.S. McNaught. 2023. Are larval Cisco better at foraging and avoiding predation than larval Lake Whitefish?. Oral, American Fisheries Society (AFS), Grand Rapids, MI.
- *Kane, H., J. Hoffman, and A.S. McNaught. 2023. Trophic structure of nearshore foodwebs in Lake Michigan as revealed by stable isotope analysis. Oral, AFS, Grand Rapids, MI.
- *Harig, J., *Hoyer, K.A., T.L. Galarowicz, J.L, Jonas, J.E. Marsden, J.B. Smith, and A.S. McNaught. 2023. Respiration rate differences between larval Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and Cisco (C. artedi). Poster, IAGLR, Toronto, ON.
- *Grosh, K and McNaught, A.S. 2019. Effects of Quagga Mussels and Hemimysis anomola on Lake Michigan plankton and benthic algae. Oral, IAGLR, Brockport, New York.
- *Walker, S.L. and McNaught, A.S. 2019. Feeding of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) on Hemimysis anomala and Daphnia pulicaria. Poster, IAGLR, Brockport, New York.
- *Wimmer, E., Marsden, J.E., and McNaught, A.S. 2018. Feeding and growth of lake trout fry on Hemimysis anomala. Oral, Int’l Assoc. for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Toronto, ON.
- *Abram, A., Roseman, E.F., Debruyne, R., and McNaught, A.S. 2018. Growth and diet of larval white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) in the St. Clair Detroit River System. Poster, Int’l Assoc. for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Toronto, ON.
- *Coyle, B., Roseman, E., Debruyne, R., Keeler, K., and McNaught, A.S. 2017. Diet and growth of larval fishes in the St. Clair-Detroit River System. Oral, IAGLR, Detroit, MI.
- B.A., Lawrence University, 1986
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1993
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Alberta, 1994-1996
Research Interests
I am a limnologist and aquatic ecologist. My research interests include food-web interactions -- particularly those involving zooplankton and planktivorous fish -- and conservation of wild rice (Zizania). I have used manipulative experiments (laboratory, in situ mesocosm, and whole-lake) and descriptive studies (comparative, regional, spatially-referenced) to answer questions about the impact of invasive species on large lake ecosystems, the response of alpine lakes to fish stocking, the biogeography of zooplankton species, the morphological and behavioral response of zooplankton to predatory invertebrates, the use of nursery habitats by larval fish, the causes of poor larval fish recruitment in the Great Lakes, and the habitat requirements of wild rice.
I have two current research projects: 1) Diet, growth, and survival of early life stage Lake Whitefish and Cisco in the upper Laurentian Great Lakes and 2) Habitat suitability for wild rice (Zizania aquatica) in Michigan. Past projects include 1) a study of the feeding behavior and diet of the invasive crustacean, Hemimysis anomala, 2) an evaluation of direct predation by dreissenid mussels on zooplankton, 3) an investigation into the population ecology and genetic structure of wild rice (Zizania sp.), and 4) comprehensive studies of nutrient input to lakes and streams in Michigan.
Courses Taught
- Introductory Biology
- Ecology
- Limnology
- Biological Statistics