Luckett, Brittany
Brittany Luckett is an Instructor of Anatomy in the Foundational Sciences department of the CMU College of Medicine beginning in January 2024. She received her BA in Biology from Adrian College and MS in Anatomy from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine (Hershey, PA). Previously, Brittany served as an instructor in the Integrative Physiology and Health Science department at Alma College from 2012-2023. Additionally, she has taught within the School of Health Sciences in the Regional Anatomy course for CMU’s Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant programs from 2015-2023. Her expertise is focused on human cadaver dissection and sharing that experience with students. Brittany is interested in establishing a research focus surrounding the impact cadaver donors have on medical students and their education.
More about Brittany Luckett
Publications & Presentations
Credentials, Certifications & Awards
Howard Morgan Research Travel Award
BA, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan (MI)