Varner, David
Fixed-Term Faculty
More about David Varner
Publications & Presentations
- Varner, D., &
Piatek-Jimenez, K. (2021). Instructors’ modifications of analysis proofs into
pedagogical proofs. In Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education (pp. 1611–1612). Philadelphia.
- Varner, D., &
Piatek-Jimenez, K. (2022). Students' Perspectives on InstructorModified
Pedagogical Proofs. In 2022 Conference on Research in Undergraduate
Mathematics Education. Boston.
- Varner, D., (2022). Professors’ and Students’ Perspectives on Modifications of Pedagogical Proofs. [Doctoral Dissertation, Central Michigan University]. Central Michigan University Scholarly and Creative Works.
- Ph.D., Mathematics, Central
Michigan University, MI, 2022
- M.A., Mathematics, University
of Michigan Flint, MI, 2015
- B.S., Applied Mathematics and Physics, University of Michigan Flint, MI, 2012
Research Interests
- Instructors’ and Students’ Perspectives on Features of a Good Pedagogical Proof
- Applications of Graph
Theory to the Ising Model of Magnetism
- Study of Viscous Drag at
terminal velocity