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Sturm, Janet



More about Janet Sturm

  • Clendon, S., Sturm, J. & Cali, K. (2013). Vocabulary use across genres and topics: Implications for students with complex communication needs. Language Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools, 44, 61-72.
  • Sturm, J.S. (2012). An enriched Writers’ Workshop for beginning writers with developmental disabilities. Topics in Language Disorders, 32(4), 335-360.
  • Sturm, J.S., Cali, K., Nelson, N.W., Staskowski, M. (2012). The developmental writing scale: A new progress monitoring tool for beginning writers . Topics in Language Disorders, 32(4), 297-318.
  • Erickson, K.A., Clendon, S., Cunningham, J.W., Spadorcia, S., Koppenhaver, D., Sturm, J., & Yoder, D.E. (2008). Automatic word recognition: The reliability and validity of a universally-accessible assessment task. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24(1), 64-75.
  • Sturm, J., Spadorcia, S., Cunningham, J., Cali, K., Staples, A., & Erickson, K., Yoder, D., & Koppenhaver, D. (2006). What happens to reading between first and third grade? Implications for students who use AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21(2), 21-36.
  • Cunningham, J. W., Spadorcia, S. A., Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Sturm, J. A., Yoder, D. E. (2005). Investigating the Instructional Supportiveness of Leveled Texts. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(4), 410-427.
  • Richards, S., Sturm, J. & Cali, K. (2012). Writing instruction in elementary classrooms: Making the connection to common core state standards. Seminars in Speech and Language, 33(2), 130-145.
  • Sturm, J., Spadorcia, S., Cunningham, J., Cali, K., Staples, A., & Erickson, K., Yoder, D., & Koppenhaver, D. (2006). What happens to reading between first and third grade? Implications for students who use AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21(2), 21-36.
  • Cunningham, J. W., Spadorcia, S. A., Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Sturm, J. A., Yoder, D. E. (2005). Investigating the Instructional Supportiveness of Leveled Texts. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(4), 410-427.
  • Sturm, J. M. & Beukelman, D. R., & Mirenda, P. (2005). Literacy development of AAC users. In D. R. Beukelman & P. Mirenda (Eds.). Augmentative and alternative communication: Management of severe communication disorders in children and adults (3 rd Ed.) (pp. 351-390). Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing Company.
  • Sturm, J. M., & Clendon, S. A. (2004). AAC, Language, and Literacy: Fostering the Relationship. Topics in Language Disorders, 24(1), 76-91.

Commercial Publications

  • First Author Writing Curriculum (2015). Volo, IL: Don Johnston Incorporated.
  • First Author Writing Software (2013) [Computer Software]. Volo, IL: Don Johnston Incorporated.
  • Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (CCC-SLP)
  • Students with significant disabilities
  • Writing instruction
  • Classroom communication
  • Writing software
  • Augmentative and alternative communication
  • Implementation science
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
  • ASHA Special Interest Division 1: Language Learning and Education
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) CEC Division for Communication Disabilities and Deafness

Courses Taught

  • CSD 130:  Normal Speech and Language Acquisition
  • CSD 340:  Child Language Assessment and Intervention
  • SLP 735:  Augmentative and Alternative Communication