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Deschryver, Michael


More about Michael Deschryver

DeSchryver, M. (2017). Using the web as a higher order thinking partner: Case study of an advanced learner creatively synthesizing knowledge on the web. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 55(2), 240-271.

Plevinski, J., Weible, J., & DeSchryver, M. (2017). Anchored annotation to support collaborative knowledge construction. Philadelphia, PA: International Society of the Learning Sciences. 

DeSchryver, M. (2016). The Web as a creative thinking partner. eLearn, 2016(12), 1. 

DeSchryver, M. (2015a). Higher-order thinking in an online world: Toward a theory of web-mediated knowledge synthesis. Teachers College Record, 117(3), 1-44. 

DeSchryver, M. (2015b). Web-mediated knowledge synthesis for educators. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(5), 388–396. 

DeSchryver. M., Yadav, A. (2015) Creative and computational thinking in the context of new literacies. Working with teachers to scaffold complex technology-mediated approaches to teaching and learning. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 23(3), 411-431. 

Henriksen, D., DeSchryver, M., & Mishra, P. (2015). Transform and transcend: Synthesis as a trans-disciplinary approach to thinking and learning. TechTrends, 59(4), 5-9. 

Spiro, R. J., DeSchryver, M., Hagerman, M. S., Morsink, P. M., & Thompson, P. (Eds.). (2015). Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices. New York, NY: Routledge. 

DeSchryver, M., Leahey, S. Koehler, M., Wolf, L. (2013). Technology, learning, creativity, and design: The habits of mind necessary to generate new ways of teaching in a career of constant change. Tech Trends, 57(3), 40-46.

Ph.D. 2012, Michigan State University

New literacies and creative thinking, increasing essential skills and strategies needed to teach, learn, and work successfully in a largely Web–mediated world. 

Author of the theory of Web-Mediated Knowledge Synthesis: How advanced learners used the Web to construct knowledge about climate change behavior.

Courses Taught

EDU 800 - Educational Technology Research
EDU 870 - Higher Order Learning and New Literacies
EDU 708 - Distance Education
EDU 707 - Issues in Education Technology
EDU 653 - The Read/Write Web