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Delellis, Nailya



More about Nailya Delellis


  • Bogner M.P, Ivanitskaya L.V., Jeong Y.R., DeLellis, N. (2021). Nursing staff member experiences with household model implementation in a nursing home setting, Geriatric Nursing, Volume 42, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 748-755, ISSN 0197-4572, (
  • Nukeshtayeva K., Lubchenko M., Omarkulov B, DeLellis N. (2021). Validation of non-English version of modified checklist for autism in toddlers-revised with follow-up, Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 4-11.
  • DeLellis, N., Wilson, F., Jr., and Cunningham, B. (September 30, 2020). “Affordable Care Act did not reduce inappropriate use of emergency room services,” European Journal of Public Health (Oxford University Press), Vol. 30, Issue Supplement 5, ckaa165.386,
  • DeLellis, N. Mitchell, M., Frederick, A., and Schachman, K. (September 5, 2020). “Factors affecting medication assisted treatment success for opioid use disorder,” European Journal of Public Health (Oxford University Press), Vol. 30, Issue Supplement 5,
  • Stack, M., DeLellis, N., Boeve, W., and Satonik, R. (September, 2020). “Effects of teaching evidence-based medicine on physician assistant students’ critical appraisal, self-efficacy, and clinical application: A randomized controlled trial,” Journal of Physician Assistant Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 159-165.
  • Hines, C., Smart, M.J., DeLellis, N., Sprague, R., Furr-Holden, D. (fall, 2020). “A Novel method for evaluating and comparing community health reports,” Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (Johns Hopkins University Press), Vol. 14.3, pp. 307-313.
  • Tacconelli, S., DeLellis, N., Ankomah, S., Nowak, A., and Zikos, D. (April, 2020). “Health administration graduates: responsibilities expected by Michigan employers,” Journal of Health Administration Education, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 335-348.
  • Zikos, D., Massaria, K., Grazianno, M., and DeLellis, N. (2019). “Multifactorial analysis to examine drivers of CMS summary star ratings in home health agencies,” Home Health Care Services Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 43-60.
  • Zikos, D. and DeLellis, N. (December, 2018). “CDSS-RM: A clinical decision support system reference model,” Medical Research Methodology 18(137). [Impact Factor = 2.65].
  • Zikos, D., Ogunneye, Y., DeLellis, N., and Ivanitskaya, S. (November, 2019). “Association between the rate of diabetes and quality of patient care in home health agencies,” Home Health Care Management and Practice, 31(2): 113-119 [h-5 index=111]
  • Gerding, J.A., DeLellis, N., Neri, A.J., and Dignam, T.A. (2018). “Environmental health program performance and its relationship with environment-based disease in Florida,” Florida Public Health Review, 15, pp. 1-12.
  • Zikos, D. and DeLellis, N. (2018). “An exemplar dashboard for the assessment of home health comorbidities,” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 251, pp. 101-104.
  • Baiganova, Z., Dubitskiy, A., and DeLelllis, N. (Oct-Dec, 2017). “Human resources in medical organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, 11 (4) DOI:
  • Zikos, D. and DeLellis, N. (2017). “A Consumer health information system to assist patients select quality home health services,” Technologies, 5(4), 76, doi: 10.3390/technologies5040076.
  • Brancaleone, M., Shingles, R., and DeLellis, N. (2017). Deaflympians’ satisfaction with athletic training services at the 2013 Deaflympic Summer Games, Journal of Athletic Training, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 708-718.
  • Haidar, S., DeLellis, N. Soave, L. (December, 2015). “Effects of changes in the health system on the health of the population: a natural experiment in the countries of the former Soviet Union,” International Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.21-31.
  • Raissova, K., Zhuzzhanov, O., DeLellis, N., and Dalenov, E. (April, 2014). “Focus on the demands of employers in the integrated management system of the medical university,” FASEB Journal: Journal of the American Societies for Experimental Biology, Vol. 28, No. 1, Supplement, 719.18.
  • Lopes, J, DeLellis, N, DeGroat, A, and Jacob, N. (2014). “An analysis of theme content in CASPA personal statements,” Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 25(4), 43-46.
  • Raissova, K., Zhusshanov, O., DeLellis, N. and Dalenov, E. (April, 2014). “Focus on the demands of employees in the integrated management system of the medical university,” FASEB Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1 Supplement, 719.18.
  • Lopes, J. and DeLellis, N. (2013). “Understanding the multigenerational motivation of physician assistant workforce,” Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (JAAPA), 26(10), 46-50.
  • Tuleshova, G., Abduldayeva, A., Derbissalina, G., DeLellis, N., Karp, L. (2013). “Training 3-year students on evidence-based medicine,” FASEB Journal, 27:740.15.
  • Thorn, J., DeLellis, N, Chandler, J., Boyd, K. (March, 2013). “Parent and child self-reports of dietary behaviors, physical activity, and screen time,” Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 162, Issue 3, pp. 557-561.
  • DeLellis, N. and Ozcan, Y. (2012). “Quality outcomes among efficient and inefficient nursing homes: A national study,” Health Care Management Review, March 6, 2012, published ahead of print
  • DeLellis, N., Manthei, L., and Woodworth, J. (2012). “Predicting nursing home utilization at the county level in the State of Michigan: Influence of demographic and market variables,” Seniors Housing & Care Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 35-44.
  • Baltabaev, S., Ibraev, S., and DeLellis, N. (2011). “Approaches to management through motivation,” Eurasian Journal of Biomedicine, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-4.
  • Tuleshova, G., Abduldayeva, A., Derbissalina, G., DeLellis, N., and Kazbekova, A. (2013). “Evidence-based medicine in nutrition,” FASEB Journal, 27:617.4.


  • Ankomah, S., Tacconelli, S., DeLellis, N., Zikos, D., and Nowak, A. (June 12-14, 2019). “Health administration graduates: what employers want,” 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Zikos, D., DeLellis, N., Zimeras, S., Ragina, N., Olabisi, I., and Afolayan-Oloye, O. (June, 2019). “Comorbidity constructs for patients with congestive heart failure and their effect on hospital outcomes of care,” 12th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference, Rhodes,, Greece. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Zikos, D., DeLellis, N., Regina, N., Afolayan, O., Zimeres, S. (2019). “Comorbidity constructs for patients with congestive heart failure and their effect on hospital outcomes of care,” 12th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) Conference, Island of Rhodes, Greece (This co-authored paper was presented only by the first author, D. Zikos).
  • Zikos, D., Zimeres, S. and DeLellis, N. (2019). “SafeHealth Workshop: A Workshop on the power of big data to improve patient safety and cost effectiveness, “PETRA, June 5-7, 2019, Rhodes Greece (This workshop was presented only by the first author, D. Zikos).
  • Zikos, D. and DeLellis, N. (July, 2018). “An exemplar dashboard for the assessment of home health comorbidities,” 16th International conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare, Athens, Greece. (This co-authored paper was presented by the first author, D. Zikos).
  • Zikos, D. and DeLellis, N. (2017) “Adjusting home health rankings by proprietary status, to assist patients select quality services,” 10th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments 2017: Rhodes Island, Greece. (This co-authored paper was presented only by the first author, D. Zikos.) (Peer Reviewed).
  • Thorn, J., DeLellis, N, Chandler, J., and Boyd, K (April, 2012). “Parent and child self-reports of dietary behaviors, physical activity and screen time,” A poster presented to the Research Consortium at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Charlotte, NC (National/Invited).
  • Akhelova, S. and DeLellis, N. (January, 2011). Efficiency and transparency formulary system in Republic of Kazakhstan, Youth and Medical Science in the 21st Century, Pharmacy Academy of Eastern Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan. (International/Invited) (This co-authored paper was presented only by the principal author, S. Akhelova).
  • Dauletova, G., Karp, L., DeLellis, N., Zhuzzhanov, O. and Abstattarova, K. (May 17-25, 2011). Reproductive behavior of young married women in Astana, Seventh International Research and Practice Conference (Medicine, Physical Culture and Sport), Sophia, Bulgaria. (International/Invited) (This co-authored paper was presented only by the principal author, G. Dauletova).
  • DeLellis, N. (June 27, 2010). Quality trends in nursing homes, a poster presentation at the AcademyHealth 2010 Annual Research Meeting, held in Boston (National/Peer Reviewed).
  • DeLellis, N. (June 28, 2009). Quality and efficiency of nursing homes, a poster presentation at the AcademyHealth 2009 Annual Research Meeting, held in Chicago (National/Peer Reviewed).
  • Six Sigma White Belt in Healthcare, Aveta Business Institute, 2022
  • Certified Specialist Accounting and Finance (CSAF), Healthcare Financial Management Association, 2021
  • PhD, Health Services Organization and Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010
  • MPH, Kazakhstan School of Public Health, 2002
  • BS, Economics, Kazakhstan State Academy of Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1993
  • Healthcare services
  • International health
  • Post-acute care
  • Health economics
  • Association of University Programs in Health Administration
  • Healthcare Financial Management Association
  • American College of Healthcare Executives

Courses Taught

  • DHA 706:  Quantitative Analysis in Health Organizations
  • DHA 720:  Health Economics
  • HSC 333:  Managing Health of Populations
  • HSC 544:  Biostatistics
  • HSC 545:  Health Planning
  • HSC 570:  Financial Aspects of Health Service Organizations
  • HSL 641:  Health Economics and Policy Implications
  • MHA 602:  Managerial Epidemiology