Dependent Life Insurance
Below is a summary of Central Michigan University's dependent life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance policy. For full details, please reference the life insurance plan booklet.
*Effective July 1, 2024, Unum will become the vendor for CMU’s life insurance plans (replacing The Hartford).
Benefit | Description |
Spouse or OEI coverage | Choice of $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $75,000 or $100,000. Spouse or other eligible individual (OEI) coverage terminates at end of the plan year in which they attain age 70. |
Dependent children coverage | $10,000 or $25,000 as selected by employee. Dependent children are eligible to be covered from 14 days old through the end of the calendar year they turn age 26. If disabled prior to age 26, must provide information to the benefits and wellness office to continue coverage. |
Accidental death and dismemberment | Amount equal to that selected by you for your eligible dependent. |
Terminal illness (spouse/OEI only - not applicable to children) | 80% of the selected benefit amount may be paid for a terminally ill spouse or other eligible individual (OEI) whose life expectancy is 12 months or less. |
Waiver of premium (only if employee becomes disabled) | Premiums waived for dependent coverage if the employee becomes totally disabled prior to age 60. Coverage at age 70 terminates and can be converted to whole life policy. |
Guaranteed issue amounts (no proof of insurability) | Spouse/OEI: $50,000 To qualify for guaranteed issue up to $50,000, the covered person must enroll during the initial sign up period. Any increases in coverage of more than one level or above $50,000 in subsequent enrollment periods will require evidence of insurability. Children: $10,000 and $25,000. |
Reinstatement | If coverage for your dependent(s) ends because you are no longer employed by CMU or no longer in an eligible position; and you are rehired or return to an eligible position within 24 months of the date your coverage ended; then coverage for your dependent(s) may be reinstated, provided that you request such reinstatement within 31 days of the day you return to work or to an eligible position. |
Conversion | You may convert your life coverage to an individual whole life policy with no evidence of insurability. Conversion forms and premium must be filed and received by The Hartford within 31 days. There will be a small set-up policy fee. |
Portability | You may take your dependent(s) coverage at the CMU group rate if you terminate employment. It will remain a term life policy with evidence of insurability. Spouse must port in order for child to port. |