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Frequently Asked Questions about Title IX Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

    You may speak confidentially to the following resources on campus about your experience or concerns about sexual and gender-based misconduct. Confidential resources are under no obligation to share your concerns with the Title IX Coordinator.

    • CMU Counseling Center | 989-774-3381
    • CMU Care Advocate
    • CMU Ombudsperson
    • CMU Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates (SAPA) | 989-774-2255
    • Sexual Aggression Services | 989-774-6677
    • CMU's Employee Assistance Program (Health Advocate) | 866-799-2691
    • Health care providers, including medical professionals at CMU's Student Health Services, provide related healthcare services
    • Members of the clergy providing related clerical or spiritual guidance

    No, you have the choice to pursue criminal charges with local law enforcement or any other state or federal agency, regardless if you file a complaint under CMU’s Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct policy.

    A Complainant (Survivor) of sexual and gender-based misconduct may,

  • Report to law enforcement
  • Report to CMU’s Title IX Coordinator
  • Report to law enforcement and CMU’s Title IX Coordinator
  • Report to neither law enforcement or CMU’s Title IX Coordinator
  • If you want your concern investigated by C​MU, contact CMU’s Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity.

    Physical and Mailing Address:

    103 W. Preston St.

    Bovee University Center, 306

    Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

    Phone: 989-774-3253

    Electronic Mail:

    Online Reporting Form:

    If you want your concern investigated by law enforcement, you should contact the CMU Police Department or the local police by dialing 911.

    CMU's Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy prohibits:

    • Dating Violence
    • Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
    • Sex-Based or Gender-Based Discrimination
    • Sexual Assault
    • Sexual Exploitation
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Stalking
    • Related Retaliation


    An individual who, when they are notified of any sexual and gender-based misconduct, is required to immediately report the information to the Title IX Coordinator.

    All CMU employees, unless they are considered Confidential Employees/Confidential Resource, are Mandatory Reporters.

    Confidential Employees/Confidential Resource include:

  • CMU Counseling Center
  • CMU Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates (SAPA)
  • Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education
  • CMU Psychological Training and Consultation Center
  • CMU Center for Community Counseling and Development
  • health care providers, including medical professionals at CMU’s University Health Services, providing related health care services
  • CMU Ombuds Office

    The Title IX Coordinator will coordinate supportive measures for both the Complainant and the Respondent regardless of whether the Complainant chooses to pursue an investigation.

    Supportive Measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive measures designed to protect the safety of each party involved; they are not sanctions.

    Supportive Measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Changing CMU housing assignment
  • Public safety escort on campus
  • Changing academic assignments or schedule, including the ability to take an "incomplete", drop a course without penalty, or transfer sections (with the agreement of the appropriate faculty)
  • Changing work, class, or extracurricular activity or any other activity regardless of whether there is or is not a comparable alternative
  • Providing training and education programs related to sex and gender-based misconduct
  • Referral for support services, such as tutoring, counseling, or the Employee Assistance Program
  • Restrictions or no-contact directives applied to one or more parties
  • The CMU Office of Student Conduct will not pursue alcohol or drug charges against students reporting incidents of sexual and gender-based misconduct in good faith.

    The CMUPD has a practice of not pursuing charges for improper use of alcohol against a person subjected to an alleged act of sexual and gender-based misconduct.