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Reaffirmation of Accreditation Timeline

Following was the general timeline for the full process.

Fall 2014 - Convened Leadership Team. Reviewed document requirements. Established timeline. Initial announcements to campus community.

Spring 2015 - Initial drafts of assurance document by Leadership Team. Coordinated initial draft of federal compliance document with other campus offices.

Summer 2015 - Continued development of assurance document and review of federal compliance document by cabinet, council of deans, and other senior leadership.

Fall 2015 - Engagement of campus community in discussion of assurance document. Synthesis and incorporation of input. Met with community partners to solicit input. Request for third-party comment.

Spring 2016 - Continued engagement meetings. Preparation of final documents. Conducted HLC student satisfaction survey. Endorsement by Board of Trustees and Academic Senate

March 2016 - Submitted final documents.

April 25 and 26, 2016 – Site visit by HLC team. Follow-up regarding team report.