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Additional Resources for Adjunct Faculty

CIS is proud to support all CMU faculty, including our outstanding adjunct faculty who serve the University and our students on a contract-by-course basis in our online courses and at our off-campus satellite locations. While all CIS services are available and encouraged, the following resources are provided to serve the specific needs/interests of our adjunct faculty. 

This fully-online and self-paced orientation is designed to help you get started as a member of CMU's faculty and introduce you to the many resources available.​ 

Created by faculty, Maximizing Learning is an orientation to the requirements and expectations for instructors teaching CMU courses online and at our off-campus satellite locations. CIS serves to support any aspects of these requirements and expectations. 

Visit the resources provided by our colleagues in Faculty Approval Services for more information on applying to teach part-time for CMU and for access to current part-time/adjunct positions.