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Training and Occupational Health Information

In compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and Regulations (AWAR's) and PHS Policy (including "The Guide"), the CMU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires the following of all personnel involved in the animal care and use program (ACU).

  • Complete required training(s) sufficient to show that an individual is appropriately qualified and experienced to perform their duties.
  • Complete training required to gain lab/facility access at CMU.
  • Participate in the Animal Research Occupational Health Program.

Principal investigators:  When adding a new animal worker to your lab, please complete an Animal Worker Onboarding Form and submit it to the IACUC Coordinator at iacuc_admin@cmich.edu.

All online training requirements and occupational health clearance are REQUIRED before any hands-on training or activities occur.

Review the following information regarding this process:

This is an example of the IACUC Training Record -  Research and Animal Care Personnel Training Record.

IACUC Members: Visit the OLAW website at least semi-annually and familiarize yourself with other pertinent modules and information (e.g., OLAW FAQs, Policies and Laws, Guidance, educational and other resources).

If you have any additional questions about any of the above-mentioned information contact the IACUC Coordinator at IACUC_admin@cmich.edu or 989-774-7313. 

Occupational Health Program

The Occupational Health Program is administered by the Office of Laboratory and Field Safety. Changes to this program are being implemented beginning April 1, 2022.

For more information, contact the Office of Laboratory and Field Safety at 989-774-4474 or visit the OLFS Occupational Health Webpage. 

IACUC library resource database

  • IACUC Library Resources: Databases.
  • Additional training information.
  • Personnel are encouraged to participate in local AALAS branch meetings and Michigan Society for Medical Research (MISMR) training programs. 

Updated  5/6/2022

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