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Offer Notifications 

A notice that outlines your financial aid offer will be emailed to you from CMU's Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. If you are a new student, you will receive an email informing you your financial aid offer has been posted on the financial aid portal in April. If you are a continuing student, you will receive an email that your financial aid offer has been posted on the financial aid portal in early June, after your academic progress has been evaluated.

Find more information on our Cost of Attendance page.

Types of aid

Your financial aid may consist of some or all of the following types of aid, depending on your financial need, date of application and available resources.

    A type of financial aid based on a student's financial need. Grants do not have to be repaid.

    More about Grants

    Awards based on a student's achievement (academic, talent, athletic, etc.) Scholarships do not have to be repaid.

    More about Scholarships

    Federal and state work-study programs subsidize wages for students with need. Students who receive this assistance will work at a job for which they are paid an hourly wage and receive a paycheck.

    Non-need Employment: Many CMU students work on or off-campus jobs that are not related to financial need. On-campus employment is identified as General Student Assistance. Non-need employment is an alternative to student borrowing.

    More about Work-Study

    Federal loans are available to students in need. Federal and alternative no-need loans are also available to students and parents of undergraduate students. Repayment of federal student loans begins after graduation or termination from college; repayment of federal parent loans begins after the loan has been disbursed.

    More about Loans

    Veterans may have eligibility for educational benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

    More about Veteran Benefits

    Changes to your offer

    If you receive other resources (e.g., Resident Assistant, departmental scholarship, local/outside/UAW scholarships, employee or dependent tuition benefit, Dept. of Military Affairs Tuition Benefit, etc.) that were not included in your most recent financial aid notification, a reduction in your financial aid may be required. Check your financial aid portal to review the most up-to-date offer. If you have already received payments from such awards, federal regulations require that you repay the amount of financial aid for which you were over-awarded. The offer within your financial aid portal supersedes all previous offer notices.