BLOG: Presidential Perspectives

Support for our community in the wake of the MSU campus shooting

Several resources are available for students, faculty and staff

Today, we are united in grief and solidarity with the Michigan State University community. 
Last night, a gunman opened fire on the MSU campus, killing several students and injuring others. Although we are still learning details, we are devastated by the loss of life. We grieve with the MSU community today and hold fast to hope that the additional victims will fully recover. 
University campuses are meant to be places where students can explore their passions and pursue their dreams; we mourn the loss of those dreams and that unrealized potential.  
This tragedy hits very close to home for our university community. Not only is MSU our close neighbor, many of our students, faculty and staff have friends, colleagues and family members who live, study or work there. This will be a difficult time for the friends and families of the victims, members of the MSU community and individuals throughout our state. 
We are a community that cares for one another. Please offer your compassion, patience and kindness to others, understanding that this news will impact each of us differently. And, if you need support today, please know that help is available.  
The Division of Student Affairs will host a community gathering space from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Bovee University Center Auditorium (third floor). Counselors from the CMU Counseling Center and members of the CMU CARE team will be present to offer support for students. 
Social workers and mental health professionals will be available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 113 of Anspach Hall, and the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion also will offer group processing hours from 10 to 11 a.m., 12 to 1 p.m. and 2 to 3 p.m. in room 217 of Warriner Hall. 
In addition, each of the academic colleges will hold space for students, faculty and staff to gather in solidarity and mutual support. Information regarding the times and locations for these gatherings will be sent later today by the deans’ offices. 
Students may contact the CMU Counseling Center by calling 989-774-3381. Additional 24-hour resources also are available on the Counseling Center webpage.  
Faculty and staff can reach out to Health Advocate, the employee assistance program, by calling (866) 799-2691. 

Thank you for all you do to care for each other. 

Blog: Presidential Perspectives posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Bob Davies, CMU President | Categories: Counseling Center President's Office
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