Housing Information for Parents and Supporters

Your student is about to take an important life step – living on their own! Your support through this process will help them navigate the transition and find a home here at CMU.
Read on for more information about living on campus, including safety and student resources, important deadlines and answers to frequently asked questions.
Applying for housing
After your student has submitted their enrollment deposit, they'll be able to take their next steps like signing up for orientation and applying for housing. Housing applications typically open six months before the beginning of the semester. For example, for a fall start, applications would open in January. All the information your student needs to apply for housing will be sent to their CMICH e-mail address, including: timelines for residence hall housing sign-ups, references for each community, tools for selecting roommates and more.
Frequently asked questions about applying for housing
Are students required to live on campus?
All first- and second- year students are required to live on campus.
National research shows that students who live on campus have higher grade point averages, are more satisfied with their college experience, are more engaged in co-curricular experiences and are more likely to graduate than students who live off-campus.
Exceptions to the policy may be granted if a student meets certain special circumstances.
What happens if my student doesn't get their first-choice housing?
Housing sign-up is organized by time and location. Like buying concert tickets, select seats sell first and may sell out. It is crucial for your student to have their top three housing options in mind when selecting a living space.
To help save time, they may begin their housing application and build roommate groups ahead of their housing sign up time. This will allow your student to select their living space on the specific day sign-up is for that location.Students may sign up on the Wishlist if they do not receive their housing of choice. Residence Life can often accommodate students on the Wishlist before August move-in.
How does my student find gender-inclusive/mixed gender housing?
The Office of Residence Life, the Office of LGBTQ Services and Gender Equity Programs, and the
Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are dedicated to providing residents a
comfortable, educational, diverse and caring community for all students, including those
whose gender identity and/or expression differs from the sex assigned to them at birth.
If you would like more information on housing for transgender and non-binary students and
mixed-gender housing options at CMU, please contact:
Office of Residence Life
Office of LGBTQ Services and Gender Equity Programs
learn more about the Office of LGBTQ+ Services and Gender Equity
What if my student wants to live in a single?
We have four premium halls (Campbell, Celani, Fabiano and Kesseler) that offer four individual
bedrooms, two bathrooms, common space and air conditioning. These halls have a 30% additional room rate.
We also offer singles in Cobb Hall, sixth, seventh and eight floors. These rooms include a full-size bed, desk and desk chair, couch and coffee table. Singles in Cobb Hall have a 40% additional room rate.
Kulhavi Hall also offers suite-style living, where 4 students each have their own room and share 2 bathrooms and a living room.
When is the first housing payment due for freshman?
Your student's first housing payment of $350 must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
To make a payment online, have your student log into their centralink.cmich.edu account with their global ID and password. Your student can then click on "view/pay my bill," and choose either electronic check or credit card.
Please allow up to 48 hours for the initial housing charge to reflect on your student's account. If they need to defer or postpone this payment, please email reslife@cmich.edu and be sure to include your student's name and student ID number.
When is the first housing payment due for returning students?
Your student's first housing payment of $350 must be submitted by May 1, 2025.
To make a payment online, have your student log into their centralink.cmich.edu account with their global ID and password. Your student can then click on "view/pay my bill," and choose either electronic check or credit card.
Please allow up to 48 hours for the initial housing charge to reflect on your student's account. If they need to defer or postpone this payment, please email reslife@cmich.edu and be sure to include your student's name and student ID number.
Moving in and moving out
Helping your student move in and out of their residence hall can be a great experience for both of you. You'll get to see their room up close and help transition your student into their new living space. Current CMU students and volunteers are available for moving assistance, along with a variety of carts and bins.
Fall 2024 move-out
The residence halls and apartments close promptly at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14.
You will receive an email to your CMICH account in early Nov. with detailed information on preparing for semester break move-out.
The East Community (Celani, Emmons, Fabiano, Herrig, Saxe and Woldt) and Graduate Apartments remain open to current residents returning for the spring semester.
Spring 2025 move-in
The residence halls will reopen at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12.
- Incoming spring 2025 residence hall students will check in at their front desk any time after 9 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12.
- Incoming spring 2025 apartment students will check in at the Saxe/Herrig/Celani front desk any time after 9 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12.
Frequently asked questions about move-in and move-out
Are microwaves and other appliances allowed?
The following electronic appliances are allowed in resident rooms:
The following electronic appliances are not allowed in resident rooms:
- Toaster ovens.
- Popcorn poppers.
- Electric grills.
- Other cooking devices.
These appliances may be used in kitchenette spaces, which are available on every floor.
Renting a microwave
Combination microwave/refrigerators are available for rent through the University's agreement with Bedloft. These combination appliances are permitted in all residence rooms.
How can my student loft their bed?
Lofting can be a great way for your student to maximize floor space!
Lofts are permitted, but must be rented through BedLoft.com. Personal lofts are prohibited.
Lofts are not needed in Campbell, Celani, Fabiano, Kesseler and Kulhavi halls, since the University-provided beds are already loft-able.
Lofts are not allowed in Carey due to the size of the bed.
Support for your student
Moving out on your own is a big step. Your support in this time will help make your student's transition successful.
Tips for supporting your student
- Help your student prepare for move-in and move-out: There are a lot of logistics to think about before and during move-in. Help your student prepare by taking care of travel logistics, organizing supporters to help pack and unpack labeled boxes and setting up their new home.
- Find support during this transition time: Dropping your student off at college can be an emotional experience. Make sure to reach out to your own support network during this time, especially the day of college move-in.
- Plan return weekends or visits: Figure out times throughout the semester where your student can return home or when you can visit them. These check-ins can be a great time to reconnect with your student and give you both something to look forward to.
- Give your student space: Your student is exploring the real world, likely for the first time. Give them space to figure out joys and challenges on their own.
- Encourage your student to reach out to university support systems: Your student will have access to dozens of dedicated support offices working to offer aid in academics or personal issues. Encourage your student to take advantage of them!
Student safety and security
Ensuring the safety and well-being of our Central Michigan University community is our top priority. Get instant alerts and updates in case of campus emergencies through Central Alert and the Rave Guardian app. Your student can sign you up to receive updates, ensuring your peace of mind is just a click away.
Our commitment to maintaining a secure and nurturing environment for your student includes many campus safety resources and measures, like:
- Dedicated campus police force.
- Exterior access controls, electronic systems located on the building's exterior to regulate entry, are currently undergoing implementation at CMU.
- 30+ Blue Light Emergency Phones.
Read more about student safety
Breaks and closures
Some of our university housing closes over the three major university breaks - Thanksgiving, semester and spring break. Make sure to double check with hall and community your student lives in, so you can arrange alternative housing.
The residence halls in the South and Towers communities and CMU Dining Operations close for the three major break periods. This would include the following halls; Beddow, Merrill, Sweeney, Thorpe, Campbell, Carey, Cobb, Kesseler, Kulhavi, Troutman and Wheeler Halls.
The East Community halls and Graduate Housing remain open during these break periods, but CMU Dining operations are closed. There are kitchenettes available throughout the East Community. This would include the following halls; Celani, Emmons, Fabiano, Herrig, Saxe, and Woldt.
Limited Emergency Break Housing is available on a first-come, first-served basis to students who do not have an alternative place to stay during the break. Contact our office at reslife@cmich.edu or 989-774-3111 for more information.
Break and closures for each residence hall
Finding and navigating roommates
For a lot of students, college roommates become friends for life. Roommates are great opportunities for meeting new people – and sometimes, learning how to navigate conflict.
How does my student select their roommate?
If your student already knows who they would like to live with, they can use our Roommate Group feature in the housing application. To find a roommate, everyone must have started their housing application. The one who creates the Roommate Group is the Group Leader. This person will be the one to invite others to the group. Once everyone has accepted the request, the Group Leader will select a space during the timeframe for their preferred location and assign themselves and each roommate to a bed space in that unit.
Remind your student to talk with their new roommates about a second and third option if their first housing preference is not available. Sign-up is first come, first serve.
What if my student doesn't have someone they want to live with yet?
If your student does not have preferred roommates, don't worry! Many students decide where they want to live before connecting with roommates.
If your students wishes to search for roommates with similar interests, they can use the suggested roommates feature in the housing application. This will list other students who are planning to live on campus and a percentage of how alike their lifestyles are. These percentages are calculated through the lifestyle questionnaire your student filled out in the housing application.
Student move-in essentials
As your student prepares for life on campus, it’s helpful to think about the essentials they’ll need. Here’s a list of items to bring along:
Clothing for different weather
- Poncho
- Layering pieces
- Boots
Bedroom and bathroom items
- Shower curtain
- Shower caddy
- Bedding and pillows
Kitchen essentials
- Silverware
- Cooking utensils
- Dish soap and sponge
School supplies
- Backpack
- Laptop
- Chargers
- Headphones
Emergency items
- First aid kit
- Small tool kit
- Flashlight
To view a full list of prohibited items, please check out our Residence Life Handbook.
Want an easier move-in day? We’ve got some helpful tips and tricks for you.
Sending mail to your student
Want to send your student a card or care package? Address your mail with your student's name and residence hall mailing address below:
Beddow Hall Room ____
100 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3814
Campbell Hall Room ____
212 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3819
Carey Hall Room ____
202 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3800
Celani Hall Room ____
303 E Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3802
Cobb Hall Room ____
204 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3809
Emmons Hall Room ____
500 E Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3840
Fabiano Hall Room ____
300 E Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3870
Herrig Hall Room ____
403 E Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-4590
Kesseler Hall Room ____
208 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3812
Kulhavi Hall Room ____
210 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3813
Merrill Hall Room ____
101 W Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3815
Saxe Hall Room ____
401 E Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-4590
Sweeney Hall Room ____
102 E Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3818
Thorpe Hall Room ____
101 E Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-4588
Troutman Hall Room ____
206 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3810
Wheeler Hall Room ____
200 W Broomfield St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3811
Woldt Hall Room ____
400 E Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858-3817
Graduate Housing East ____
510 E Bellows St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Graduate Housing West ____
410 E Bellows St
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
More frequently asked questions about living on campus
How much will living on campus cost?
How much your student will pay for living on campus will depend on:
- Your student's choice of residence hall.
- If your student opts for premium single-occupancy options.
- Your student's choice of meal plan.
- Their scholarship and financial aid options.
What happens if my student changes their mind after we start the contract?
Current students may cancel their housing contract 30 days from the date they signed the
contract (first step of the housing application) in writing to reslife@cmich.edu for no fee.
Cancellations made after the 30 days, but before Aug. 1, 2025, will result in a $300 contract
breakage fee.
Cancellations made after Aug. 1, 2025, but prior to the beginning of the fall 2025 contract, will result in a $500 contract breakage fee.
Reminder: Students must live on campus for two full academic years.
Will summer housing be available for students?
The Office of Residence Life provides housing in select residential facilities during the summer
for enrolled students. You will receive an email after spring break regarding summer housing
How does my student submit a maintenance request?
Your student can submit a maintenance request using their CMICH log-in through the work request system.
How can my student change their meal plan?
Your student can request to change their meal plan through their housing portal.
It's best to make these requests as soon as possible, as there is a cut-off for changes during the semester.