13-2 CMU Printing Policy
About CMU's "Printing policy"
This policy establishes which jobs CMU Printing Services are required to receive and parameters by which outside vendors can outbid it.
NOTE ABOUT PDF VERSION: The PDF is the official text of the policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.
- Effective date of this revision: October 1, 2005
- Contact for more information: Printing Services
Printing Services is the official resource for all University printing. As a dedicated CMU service center, CMU Printing Services helps ensure that printing decisions are made in the best interests of the University. Use of CMU’s established on-site printing operation contributes to the overall financial health of the university and maintains the highest standards of service.
The purpose for this policy is to provide the best solutions for the individual and ongoing printing needs of the university and to use CMU’s campus printing facility at optimum capacity.
All university printing jobs expected to cost less than $20,000 must be submitted to CMU Printing Services which will produce the materials on campus. Printing done on campus does not require bidding. A department representative who wishes to solicit outside bids for a printing job may do so if a single press run is expected to cost more than $20,000. A department will work with CMU Purchasing to solicit formal bids, and CMU Purchasing will manage the bid process. CMU Printing Services will be included on the bid list. Outside bids received must be at least $500 lower than the CMU Printing Services pricing to be considered. CMU reserves the right to refuse any outside bid, when appropriate.
Any request for an exception to this policy must be submitted, including justification, to the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services or designee.
Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures or guidelines relative to this subject.